Sunday, June 1, 2008

q2. Week 9

Only one workout this week. The Y was closed on Monday and I was feeling the pressure of a big deadline on Wednesday. I finally made it to the gym on Friday -and I'm glad that I did. It had been a week since my last class and I could feel it. It's crazy how quickly your body reverts if you start skipping workouts.

I lost a few pounds -wonder if they were muscle? I definitely wasn't doing anything stellar on the food front. I'm gonna schedule a body fat analysis and start tracking that in addition to (or possibly instead of) my weight.

I HAVE to do SOMETHING with my eating. I'm resisting a food intervention but I know that I need one -if I want to see any real changes...


Ginger said...

Yogurt, Flax Seed, Raspberries, Agave Nectar
Turkey Wraps
Apple, Sunflower Seed Butter
Quorn Chicken Cutlet Salad, Skinny Cow Fudge Bar

Ginger said...


Yogurt, Granola
Rice + Peas, Salmon, Plantain
Fro Yo

Ginger said...

Apple, Sunflower Seed Butter
Mint Tea
Chicken Spinach Salad, Chocolate Croissant
Crackers, Cheese