Thursday, May 31, 2007

Posh: Tough Week

This week was a definite challenge, that looking back at, I have to say wow! On Sunday I did some manual work that involved a wheelbarrow, pitch fork, pick axe, shovel, oil-sand and a hill. My ham-strings hurt all week. Had to do low impact workouts. But I did it! And I'm ready to go for this week. So bring it on!!!

Sporty: Week 16/Month 4 (5/31/07)

No weigh-in today as I'm still out of town. Outside of being sick this week, things are going well. There is a "culture of health" which is good. My mom, cousins and aunts are all trying to be healthy. We've been working out and not overeating. It also helps that my "55 and still fabulous" mother is the first to the gym and is walking around in tiny white shorts and a string bikini!!! Could I be half as fabulous??!!!

Anyways for the rest of this vacation week I'm going to focus on:
  1. Journaling all foods
  2. Not overeating
  3. Exercising daily

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sporty: Using 3 free points for Mon 5/28/07

Yesterday i was too sick to work out. I was totally pissed because i needed 3 cardio pts. Last week when i was sick and had to stay home i was still able to work out. However after throwing up on the airplane in one of those little blue bags ("gross") I was too weak. All I could think about was getting in those 3pts. I was really hopeful that I could make it to the resort gym before it closed at midnight. My cousins told me that there was no way I was going to make it because I could barely stand. I told them that I was going to bounce back but at 11:40 pm I finally give in and texted ginger and posh. This challenge has really gotten me obessessed!!!

Anyways, i prayed, drank pepto bismol, ate no food and amazingly i feel 100% better. I was so grateful because I didn't want to be sick for my entire vacation.

Thanks Ginger and Posh!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Posh: New WOW Challenge "Rule"

Each person gets 9 "free" points to use at their discretion.
Use your 9 points like personal time at work...use your points when tired, sick, lazy, vacation,busy etc.
When your 9 points are up, that's it--"leave without pay..."=)
Can't use the 9 points as "bonus" but you can plug it in on the sheet (without working out or whatever) + insert a comment saying how many free points you used.

PS. Retroactive to week 1.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Sporty: 5 Ways to Make Bad Habits Into Good Ones

From an email article:

1. Bring A Water Bottle To Work

Keep a water bottle on your desk and make sure you drink it before you leave for the day.

2. Keep a variety of fruit that's ready to eat

One of the primary reasons people don't eat enough fruit is simply because they don't have any. By keeping a basket of fresh, ready to eat fruit (such as bananas, apples, pears, etc) on your kitchen counter you'll get a reminder everytime you walk by it and you'll have a healthy alternative to snacks high in fat and sugar.

3. Exercise

Go for a walk around your neighborhood after dinner. Even a 15 minute stroll can make a difference in your health. Try this one and you'll like it so much you'll wonder why you didn't do this before.

4. At dinner-time replace some of the rice/pasta/potatoes with vegetables.

Some great alternatives are green beans, peas, cucumbers or a small salad

5. Have A Grab & Go Breakfast.

Eating breakfast is extremely important when trying to lose weight. Many people skip breakfast only to end up overeating at lunch and/or dinner. Keep some bagels with cream cheese ready to go in your fridge so you can grab one and eat it on your way to the office if your short on time. Or, try some yogurt with fresh fruit and granola. Both of these can be made ahead of time so all you have to do is grab it and go.

Sporty: 5 Weight Loss Blunders

From an email article:

Many people who are overweight share the same habits. In almost every case, it's these habits that caused them to be overweight in the first place. Not only that - these same habits make it nearly impossible to lose weight.
But don't despair!
The good news is that by making some small changes you can eliminate these roadblocks and bring about positive change to your body.

  1. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables or (only eating 'starchy' vegetables such as potatoes.)
  2. Not drinking enough water (Most fluids come from sweetened drinks (sodas and milky coffees).
  3. Lots of snacking (Where most snacks are either high in fat or sugar or both.)
  4. Skipping meals (usually breakfast)
  5. Low or no exercise.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sporty: Week 15 (5/24/07)

My little hula girl moved left this week. Gained 0.8lbs today. Surprisingly, I'm ok. Yesterday's conversations/posts about "mind training" were really helpful.

Will post my goals later. Got to really think about what's feasible given next week's vacation.

**Goals: WOW challenge, do not eat past full, splurge on "special foods" only.**

Posh: Sweet...

Well, I must say that this 3lb loss tastes a lot sweeter than the currants roll I just ate!

Sporty: Dining Out & Staying on Track

An email I got today.

Strategies with Food and Activity Brought to you by Bally Total Fitness

Being able to dine out with family and friends and maintain calorie recommendations is crucial to your weight loss success. Plan what you are going to eat beforehand by looking up the menu online or by calling ahead. Exercise that day to make up for the calories. Have a small snack before dinner so you don't go to the restaurant starving. All of these tips will help you to enjoy your dinner and stay on track!

Ginger: The Bottom Line [May 17-23]

No movement this week and the "stats" tell the story. I wrote stuff down but didn't aggressively tally up the points as I went along. In fact by the end of the week, I was making some pretty random choices. I forgot how "a little here" and "a little there" can really add up!

Lift: 2 cardio workouts. YES -6.
Move: 2 strength workouts. YES -3.
Drink: 32 oz/day of water. NO -2 days.
Eat: 1 free meal + 35 points. NO -1 free meal + 64 points.
Stop: Eat before 8 pm every day. NO -3 days.
Sleep: Go to bed by 10:30 PM [NEW]

Mimi: It's 12:06AM

Since I haven't gone to bed, can this count as my weekly "official" post?


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Posh: Stress, Cortisol and Weight Gain

Stress, Cortisol and Weight Gain


Posh: It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What You Think, diet no more

It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What You Think, diet no more: "The cornerstone of weight control is between your ears. What you think – that is, how you talk to yourself, what you say to yourself about your body image and efforts to become fit and trim – is perhaps the most important element in weight loss and weight management."

"Ever hear it said that there is no reality, only perception? That means that you create a huge percentage of your experience, including what you manifest in your life, such as the condition of your body and your health-maintenance habits."

Those are a couple of quotes from the article I read. And it was an interesting read. I thought the question Sporty posed of the effects of negative thinking on weight gain was interesting. I haven't come across anything yet about hormones and stuff, but there is a direct correlation with the overall picture and how successful you are.

It's been interesting reading about this. For the last few weeks, my logical side of my brain has been instinctively telling me to keep things positive. Many times during the exercise, I'd want to whine or go into an "anti" grumbly or sarcastic space... But I'd tell myself not to. And in order to block the negative thought, I'd quickly try to focus on a positive thought.

This article article formalized that concept for me. It gave these tips:
1. Capture Negative thoughts and write them down.
2. Subject thoughts to a reality test.
3. Replace each thought with a positive one.

I haven't been writing the negative thoughts down, but I have been trying to replace them with positives in what I say to myself, what I say to others and some positive blogs. I must admit, the result is a less aggitated feeling.

Sporty: Sleep your way to Skinny

Check out this article "6 Summer Slim Down Tricks"

These two "tricks" stood out to me:

Get enough sleep
During sleep, our bodies rest and regenerate, so we can be strong and clear-headed the following day-clear-headed enough to make wise food choices. What's more, sleep deprivation causes an imbalance in certain hormones, including ghrelin (which causes weight gain) and leptin (which decreases appetite). When we don't get enough sleep, our levels of ghrelin go up (more weight gain) and levels of leptin go down (so we are hungrier). Don't think of it as downtime, but as another important facet of your nutrition plan.

Donate your "fat clothes"
Losing weight is a major accomplishment. As soon as an item of clothing is too big for you anymore, give it away. Don't keep it in your closet as part of your "just in case" wardrobe. It is easier to back-slide if you have bigger pants to slide into.

Sporty: Can negative thoughts make you fat?

I've been thinking that I am going to gain tomorrow all week long.

I've been sick and instead of having a "skinny" response and not being able to eat... I crave food. Stomach pangs would wake me up at 2 am or 4 am and only eating something like toast or crackers would help. I've been thinking that I have the stomach virus but the pharmacist at CVS told me that she thought may have an ulcer. Oh God! Doesn't she know that I'm a hypochondriac? Doesn't she know that 3 days ago my doctor said that the cartilage in my left knee is minimal? I'm only 31!!!!!!! Now I may an ulcer. I think she's bogus. The ask a nurse lady told me not to jump to conclusions. I have a doctor's appt later this week. I feel like my body is falling apart and that my bad habits led me to being overweight and now I have the knees of an 80 year old. Can't my body tell that I've been being good, that I've been really trying .....can I not turn back the hands of time on my body clock? I took the Real Age quiz thing a couple months ago and they said I was like 47 but that if developed healthy habits I could be young again. Are those people liars???????

Maybe I should just go under my covers and eat pizza. Ok that's dramatic. (**Slapping myself in the face**)

Back to my original question, can negative thoughts make me fatter? This morning I was clearly in a negative space at my training session and told my trainer that I knew I was going to gain weight. This was after I was whining about having to do the treadmill at an 8.0 incline and complaining about the CVS pharmacist. (Side bar: I hate the treadmill (oh yeah my doctor also told me have plantar fasciitis in both feet, possible heel spurs and something about the bone in my left heel. I had stopped listening at that point. ).

Back again to those negative thoughts. My trainer said that negative thinking produces hormones that can contribute to weight gain??? What?? I never heard that?? I know you have to be positive to stay motivated but wait does your body actually keep you fat if you're thinking negative??? Is that true??

Sporty: Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels

This is a favorite saying at WW meetings.

Is is true?

Does Skinny really taste better than pizza???????

Ginger: Eco Fish

I've been experimenting with fish in my diet. Although it's a great source of protein + healthy fat, I quickly ran into a few snags.

-I'm skittish about handling the raw stuff at home.
Yeah, just can't do it.

-I'm picky about taste
Few restaurants can match Grandma's fried fish. Is a little seasoning really too much to ask for?

-I'm leery of mercury and other contaminants
When the government starts issuing warnings? I listen.

-I'm too poor to buy the safer varieties
$20/lb at Whole Foods Deli. I splurge sometimes, but clearly...

Yesterday, I think I found a solution: Eco Fish. Short of hiring a personal chef, moving to Bermuda (the land of tasty fish), marrying rich or spearheading my own Alaskan fishing expedition, it's perfect. Right now I'm using it in salad -eventually I may try something more creative.

Here's another resource for fellow fish eaters: Ocean's Alive does a great job of separating the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Posh: A Cheer

Go Heart, Go!
Work Muscle, Work!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy Exercise!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Sporty: Myoplex saved me life

Ok that my be a tad bit dramatic but today at around 8:30 during the "24" season finale I had a pizza attack literally out of the blue. I weighed myself, I counted points, rationalized that I'll be on vacation next etc etc. Prayed then compromised that if I made my favorite shake "Myoplex strawberry blueberry blast" (which is packed with filling protein) and I still had to have pizza then I would call papa johns. It worked. Too full for pizza. Thank you God!!!!!

Strawberry blueberry blast
1 packet Myoplex original strawberry protein
1 c Soy milk
1 c frozen blueberries
1 tsp flax oil
1 tsp psyllium husks
4 oz water
ice cubes
(9 pts, 49 g protein, 11 g fiber)

Posh: ...

It was just one day in this second week of challenge, that I found my heart rate taking a while to raise when I did my regular workout routine....Walk to work today happened quickly and with less huffing and puffing, less sweat... And as I walk, I secretly feel good when I finally feel my heart rate elevating and I breathe in deep and feel the oxygen pump through me....a natural high....

Ginger: Quote of the Week

"If you can find a path without obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." Frank A. Clark

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ginger: Strawberry Season!

I love, love, LOVE strawberries. They're in season now...lots to choose from -and the organic ones are actually affordable!

A friend at church turned me on to a neat gadget -an egg slicer- that's great for cutting up the berries. I also love, love, LOVE gadgets so this tip was perfect.

Now if I can only find reasonably priced cherries. And raspberries. And blueberries. And blackberries...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ginger: My Heart is for You*

I totally hear what Sporty is saying about positive thoughts. Here's the playlist that keeps me going when I'm doing cardio. These songs also point me to the spiritual side of exercise.

Kierra Kiki Sheard, Rise (single)

A good warm up song. Rise? Ok. I'm up. I'm moving. I think she even says something about the treadmill (of life). This song makes me feel confident about the workout AND the other stuff that I need to work on.

Let Everything that has Breath (12-inch Remix)
Cece Winans, Let Everything that has Breath (single)

My breathing is pretty audible right around here -so there's a natural connection to the lyrics. Ha ha. Actually, this track sort of takes my mind off the actual workout and puts it on praise. This is where I usually start (vigorously) lip syncing...

Shake Yourself Loose Dance Mix
Vickie Winans, Woman to Woman: Songs of Life

It's impossible to be higher energy than Vickie but it's fun to try. When they start repeating the line "move your feet" it's like having a personal trainer! Another song that assures victory -over the last half of the workout, overall weight loss, and the tough parts of life.

Ayiesha Woods, Introducing Ayiesha Woods

The workout is almost over. I did it. Endorphins (or whatever) are kicking in. And hey, life with God in it is pretty good. I'm happy!

*A Fred Hammond song that was supposed to be on this playlist. The title makes it another obvious cardio choice. *Grin*

Sporty: Self-talk and Exercise

From the Duke Diet Online Newsletter

When you work out, what messages are running through your head? How you think about exercise greatly influences how you feel about it — and how likely you are to stick with it. If your self-talk during exercise is all negative, your experience with exercise will be negative, too.
Do any of the following thoughts sound familiar?

  • I don't like exercise.
  • I'm not a natural athlete.
  • I'll never get better at this.
  • Everyone is looking at me.
  • I missed a workout, so I may as well give up.
  • I'm too tired for this.
  • I'm never going to reach my goal.
  • If I exercise, I'll feel exhausted afterward.

If any of these — or any other — negative messages come to mind during your workouts, try replacing them with the following:

  • I will keep trying until I find an activity I enjoy.
  • My body is made to move.
  • I will gain skill over time.
  • Others can think what they like — I won't let it stop me.
  • I may have missed a workout, but I can get back on track today.
  • I'm tired, but I'll aim for just 10 minutes of exercise and then see how I feel.
  • I can and will reach my goal.
  • After I exercise, I really feel good about myself.

This week, pay attention to the thoughts you're having during exercise and focus on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Doing so will make your workouts more productive and enjoyable.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Posh: Week1

Well, doing the WOW challenge is definitely a challenge. Many times this week I would just spontaneously start to say out loud "Exercise is soooo dumb"...then I'd remind myself that I'm only going to try to say positive things...Many times I didn't want to do it...but having my sis for support was really great...She'd exercise with me and that was a great, great help! Thanks Sis!

I gained .8lbs this week. There are a few reasons I can think of. I read over my food log from last week and that could be the #1 reason on the list. Wasn't planning to make any changes to my diet but I'll be d#$%^! if I do this challenge and not get significant results. Also, this week was that special week of the month. So, I'm not tizzying yet...Giving it another week...If I don't see a downward trend in my graph, then I'll have to...(sharp intake of breath)...adjust my diet...

I must admit, also, that my plan was to do a very "light" blog just to say that I'd blogged but decided to at least do some reflection. I'm pretty proud of the fact that I accomplished Week 1, particularly since a week ago, my only health goals were to drink a glass of water when I felt guilty about not doing anything... I feel like I had a gain mentally this week...and this gain's a good thing!

Ginger: Weekly Update [May 10-16]

I published this post twice before I finally broke down and decided to include some narrative, re-state my targets etc. WOW is pretty hard core and I'm tempted to focus on that without working on (or tracking) the other habits that I'm trying to develop. Clearly, it's more beneficial to see what behaviors produced the "bottom line" that the numbers reflect, So, here goes...

Lift: 2 cardio workouts. YES -6.
Move: 2 strength workouts. YES -3.
Drink: 32 oz/day of water. NO -0 days.
Eat: Core foods + 35 points. NO -Ate 40 points + 1 "free" meal
Stop: Eat before 8 pm every day. NO -3 days.

I'm going to play with the "Eat" target this week. I think that upping the fat/oil allowance a bit (nothing crazy, say 2 TB max) + adding the free meal might make for a more sustainable eating plan. Let's see if I keep losing!

Sporty: WoWers We Can Do This!

Hello Fellow WoWers:
Week 2 has started and if you are like me after the momentum of the first week, I usually feel a drop in enthusiam, interest and energy. I may be alone in this feeling but if I'm not what I know is that you have to "press pass" that feeling. Just do it without thinking. Exercise but don't think about, food log but don't think about, etc. Don't give yourself the option to "think" about what you "don't feel" like doing. Just do it and you'll be happy later.

We're in this thing to win (of course with the bonus of getting healthy & losing weight ) LOL!

Let's do this! WE CAN DO THIS!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sporty: Week 14 (5/17/07)

I didn't gain!

Lost .4lbs. I am truly grateful to see the end of this WW week. It was rough. Overeating, lack of motivation, stress at work, lack of sleep. Today I wanted to avoid weigh-in because I knew I had gained due to my NYC weekend. Mon, Tue and Wed I planned to work out twice a day and eat low carb to counter the effects but I just didn't have the energy. Still tired now but talking myself in making this week better than last week.

What really helped me make it through this week was prayer and support from you guys. All the comments to my "venting posts",Ginger's text message (thanks!) and the WOW challenge. I only exercised because I knew I had to get WOW pts and from the way this competition is going, I need to hang tough!!

You guys kicked butt this week in the challenge!!!

This Week:

  • WOW challenge 70pts
  • Person 2 goals
  • Burn 2500 calories through exercise
  • Plan meals night before 5 of 7 days
  • Sleep at least 7 hours nightly
  • Stay within points 5 of 7 days
  • Daily prayer and meditation

Jill: Saying hi

So I've fallen off bad. I haven't counted any points this week and I've had cake and cookies. But I'm trying to mentally stay within my points. I exercised last night and plan to exercise tonight. Starting tomorrow I'm going to make sure the count points and commit to exercise 6 days a week.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Scary: I'm Back

So I have been off plan - so off plan that I missed that there was some sort of money challenge going on? Ha ha! Don't worry I don't want in - my bank CANNOT handle it. Just needed to come back here and say I am now 248 lbs. rejoining weight watchers line and following Sporty's 23 time a week exercise program for me. I woke up this AM feeling motivated to count points and my kids said they would "walk away the pounds" with me so we will try... Here I go... again... Like they say - you can never fail if you never quit.

Mimi: My Proposition

I propose that we accept reading trashy novels as a means of "meditation."

My grounds? The definition of "meditation" from

1. emptying or concentration of mind: the emptying of the mind of thoughts, or the concentration of the mind on one thing, in order to aid mental or spiritual development, contemplation, or relaxation

eh? Don't hate!! What is reading novels if not "the emptying of the order to aid in...relaxation"?

Irrefutable, I tell you!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sporty: Don't wanna exercise

Don't feel like it. It's 8:23 pm. Don't want to. Still need 3 pts. Know I'm going to gain on Thursday after overeating this weekend (-25pts). Feel like why even bother i'm going to gain anyways. I know I should try to minimize the gain. Have to write some talking points for tomorrow am for my bosses' boss and for my bosses' bosses' boss. I hate writing. Not my strength. Tired.

Ok I'm whining. I'll let you know if I get 20 mins in before midnight. Glad I can vent.

**Update: Made it to the gym at 10:17 pm. Did 35 mins on the EFX. They turned the lights off at 10:45 to get people to leave. It was kinda cool though because it made me work harder in the event I was told to leave. It also helped that I was listening to Machel and Destra's "Carnival" !!! Still in the challenge. Whew! Don't want to wire money to Posh! LOL! **

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ginger: Not bad if you like cardboard...

I found these crackers today. Zero fat. Zero sugar. Zero taste. On the upside, they come in handy when your points are running low.

Mimi: Are you Lulled Yet?

Yep. That's my strategy. Lull you other WOWers into a false sense of security, then...WHAM!!! You won't know what hit you. That's right, consider me the sleeper cell.

Watch out, now!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ginger: Culture of Food

Sporty's last post reminded me of a topic that I've wanted to blog about for a while: the "culture of food" that we grew up with...

As a kid, holidays were definitely about food. Even now, a decade later, I can still recite the litany of dishes that would magically appear on Aunty's Christmas table. This meal was the backbone of our family's annual celebration.

On the other side of the family tree, Sabbaths were mini-versions of the big holidays. Sabbath lunch was often an extended family affair, complete with specialty dishes. It didn't matter who was hosting. Good food -and a lot of it -was a given.

Being able to cook even gave you a special "in" as an in-law; legends could easily develop around your special drink or dish. The real cooks, however, were the "mamas" and "aunties" who held court over many a table.

In retrospect, their true gift was bringing the family together week after week + year after year. For the 1st and 2nd generation immigrants among us, Scary is the keeper of this tradition. For obvious reasons, this "passing of the torch" is great.

But wait. Let's talk about the diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol that also run rampant in our family. AND, most of those folks started out as active skinnies. By comparison, many of us have a head start on poor health.

So what do we do with this dual legacy of breaking bread and chronic disease? Are there ways to preserve one without the other? The generation behind us is already picking up our "culture of food" norms. For their sake -and ours- we have to try.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sporty: Food, food and more food.

It's 11:24 pm and I have no clue how many points I consumed today.

Afraid to count.

I tried to plan for this weekend because I knew I was going to have several food hurdles to overcome. I survived the roadtrip munchies on my drive from MD to NY by drinking protein shakes and water. I had 13 pts daily pts left and my 35 bonus pts.

I also avoided the welcome dinner at my dad's new church. Next, I went to my uncle's 65th birthday celebration. Food, food and more food. I was managing the situation ok until I decided that I had to have more macaroni pie. It went down hill from there.

Afraid to count.

Tomorrow is my baby cousin's first birthday celebration. I heard my aunts talking about at least 11 dishes for brunch not including the left overs from today. Food, food and more food.

Afraid to count.

I've got to count, face the numbers. *sigh*

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Posh: I want 15 points

I'm really only posting to earn 15 points, upfront, in the competition.
I weighed in today. Several times. I got on early this morning (6:30am) and the scale said 213.2.
Decided when I came home at 1:30pm that an afternoon weigh-in is more my style.
Scale said 210.8. Got off and back on. 211.2...213.8...211.2...211.2... took a break. Came back...212.2....211.4...212.2...212.2....decided to go with 212.2....
But what would cause a scale to vary that much within such a short period of time??
Told myself to stick with a time and go with the first reading.
Everybody seems to be posting fancy stuff about goals etc.
I have no goals.
'Cept the WOW challenge.
Had a good start today.

The Bottom Line, Part IX (May 3-9)


* Drink: 32 oz of water on 7 days. NO -4.
* Stop: Eat all meals + snacks before 8:00 PM on 7 days. NO-5.
* Lift: Do 2 strength training classes. YES -3.
* Move: Do 2 cardio workouts. YES -2.
* Eat: Core foods. NEW


What I'm Thinking:
I'm not even going to trip about the 2 lbs (although it's useful to note -once again-that random eating WILL get you). I'm in a good space and see lots of potential for core. Stay tuned!

Sporty: Michelle lost 175 lbs

I don't personally know Michelle but I found her story and her weight loss tips inspiring. Here are a few that I really liked:

  • I try to remember that patience and persistence, not perfection, got me to goal. I'm not perfect, and it's important to remember that.

  • I put together a top 10 list of reasons why I wanted to lose weight. I looked at it when I was feeling unmotivated. When I reached goal, I made my list of top 10 reasons to maintain. These lists remind me how important it is to continue with healthy behavior.

  • Mini goals are critical to those of us with a lot to lose. Those can be scale goals, such as losing 20 or 30 pounds, or process goals, such as journaling successfully for three weeks in a row.

  • Remember to reward yourself. For my 100-pound mark, I bought a gold bracelet that serves as an anchor to remind me of how far I had come.
- Michelle, WW member

Sporty: Week 13 (5/10/07)

Lost 2.4 this week. Yay! 20.2 lbs to Onderland.

Plans of success
  1. WOW challenge
  2. Person 2 goals

Sporty: Person 2 goals

Two weeks ago I did a post on "Your success starts at the end". The linked article talked about two types of people: person # 1 and person # 2. Person #1 had vague goals while person #2 had specific goals. The article highlighted the importance of planning for success.

Since I hit my 10% milestone, I have been acting like person #1. I know that my next milestone is Onederland by I have not defined how I plan to get there. I think it would be cool for all of us to share our person 2 goals.

To get to Onderland, 199.8 lbs, I will do the following-
  • Strength Training - I will strength train 3x a week.

My strength training will consist of 2 sessions with my personal trainer and 1 session of core secrets.

  • Cardio Training - I will do cardio 5-6x a week for at least 20 mins.

My cardio training will consist of spinning classes (2x/wk) and cardio machines i.e. EFX (4x/wk).

  • Mind/Body Exercises - I will do mind/body exercises 6-7x week.

My mind/body exercises will consist of daily devotion/mediation time for at least 10mins. I will do the exercises/stretches recommended by my trainer daily. I will do 1 pilates or yoga session for at least 10 mins (1x/wk).

  • Weight Watchers Food Plan - I will follow the WW flex plan daily.

For my food plan, I will stay within my daily target points 5 of 7 days. I will save my bonus points for weekend meals. I will journal my foods daily. I will plan my meals the night before. I will follow the WW 8 good health guidelines daily. I will drink 1 gallon of water 5 of 7 days. I will eat "home food" Mon-Fri except for work meetings. I will grocery shop every 2 weeks.

  • Support and Accountability - I will give status updates to my friends and trainer weekly.

For support and accountability, I will participate in the WOW challenge. I will blog weekly. I will attend WW meetings weekly. I will share my exercise/food log with my personal trainer. I will journal my food and exercise daily. I will seek ways to encourage and support my friends' weight loss efforts.

Onederland here I come.....

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Posh: Trash Talk

Image by
Ladies, you ready for tomorrow? 'Cause the competition is about to get brutal!

Ginger: Ready, Set, Thursday!

Our eight-week challenge starts tomorrow. The winner will collect $20 from each competitor. It's not too late to join! Here's a quick recap:

Cardio Exercise (3 points)
@ least 20 min; no more than 1x/day; max of 6/wk.

Strength Training (3 points)
@ least 4 muscle groups; no more than 1x/day; max of 3/wk.

*Mind/Body Activity (3 points)
@ least 10 min; no more than 1x/day; max of 6/wk.

Food Log (10 points)
@ least 5 days/wk.

Blog (Weekly Check-In) (15 points)

*Stuff like Pilates, Yoga, Stretching, Bible Study etc.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Sporty: 5:30 am PT appt

It's 10:15 pm and I need to go to bed because I have a 5:30 am with the trainer. I have an early all day conference thing tomorrow and bible class tomorrow night so this the only time our schedules connect. It seemed like a good idea two days ago but now ... not some much. I was looking for motivation to set my alarm clock for 4:45 am. Here's what I found:

... works for me!! Off to set the alarm.

**Update: Got to the gym at 5:25! Had a challenging workout focusing on balance/coordination (not my strong point). Felt enegerized so I did a spin class too. (Maybe I am a morning person .*LOL*)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Ginger: Reference Library -More on Sugar + Other Stuff

So, I gotta confess that I haven't actually read this one yet. BUT, I'm a big Dr. Oz fan so I'll get it eventually. It'll probably be worth a "purchase" vs. a "borrow" from the library.

Just to follow up on the sugar thing...Dr. Oz offers two guidelines for label readers. If sugar is one of the first five ingredients, skip it! Also, stick to foods with 4g or less of sugar per serving.

Here's an excerpt from the Discovery Health website.

Mimi: Going Strong

I shared with you last week that I had hit my wall and had a turning point. I'm happy to say (and a bit scared, as well) that things have been going well. I went back to WW on Saturday. I saw my old leader and she was very encouraging, which was good. I must admit to not wanting to go back where everyone could see all the weight I've gained. However, she was very supportive and understanding. I had gotten on the scale before leaving home, so the numbers weren't a surprise. I'm feeling not so bad about the numbers, which is healthy. I can definitely attribute that to my being "on." I'm proactively doing something about my weight, and feel good about that, and myself. I've been drinking my water, keeping my food journal, staying within points, and exercising.

I feel SO much better about life and myself. What's made the biggest difference in this turnaround? Planning and preparation. I went shopping and cooked. It takes me about 30 minutes in the morning to assemble my food for the day, but it's worth every minute. I can eat the same thing meal after meal and day after day as long as it tastes good. So this is what I've been eating for the last week or so:

Breakfast: Kashi GoLean Cereal
1 cup 1% milk

Snack: either fruit or yogurt or both

Lunch: "Loaded" salad with turkey, blue cheese, avocado, lettuce, tomatoes,
Newman's Light Sesame Ginger Salad Dressing (10 points, total)

Snack: Cucumber slices with french onion dip I made with fat free sour cream and
Lipton's French Onion Soup Mix, fruit

Dinner: Whole wheat pasta with low point spaghetti sauce (lots of veggies and
ground turkey)

Snack: more fruit or baby carrots, maybe popcorn

And this is basically what I've been eating for the last week or so. Work the program and it works. I'm not a hater of leftovers like some, so the consistency helps me to stay on point. Limit my choices and decisions and I'm good to go.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Ginger: Challenge Ideas?

It sounds like everyone is up for another challenge of some kind. Here's what's on the table so far:

1. A revamped version of WOW.
We compete "against" each other for a set # of weeks. Each WOWer racks up individual points for food logs, blogs, exercise sessions, and mind/body activities. Highest points = winner!

2. An exercise challenge.
We commit to logging a certain number of exercise hours -cardio, strength, pilates, yoga or stretching -by a set date. Everyone wins! Hey Sporty -would we count our hours as a group or individually?

So...what would "challenge" you? Let's toss around some ideas...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Sporty: Core Plan Info

Ginger said she was interested in getting some info on the WW core plan. Here is brief summary.

Two things to focus on:

1. Eat as much as you need to feel satisfied of wholesome nutritious foods without tracking or counting.

2. Enjoy "off-the-list" treats in controlled amounts.

I also think of the core plan as eating healthy "core foods" most of the time and if you want ice cream or pizza you have 35 points (about 1700 calories) each week to use for an Oreo Mudslide!

The key to the plan is learning your personal "hunger comfort zone" and only eating until you feel satisfied. If followed you get to lose weight and eat icecream! :-)

Here are some links that provide more details:

What do you think?

Ginger: Reference Library -Sugar

Remember I said that I'd post something about sugar? Well, here's some stuff that I found on pp. 86-87 of the Fast Track Detox Diet by Ann Louise Gittleman. One day, I am going to do this diet!

Sugar and other sweeteners, natural or artificial, stress both your liver and your colon. Moreover, both natural sugar and sugar alcohols have the potential to feed yeast, a known liver stressor because of the aldehydes that are formed -substances that overload the detox pathways and inhibit the action of the detox enzymes.

Refined carbohydrates, along with sugar, are deadly to both detox and weight loss. Not only do they inhibit the liver's detox pathways, but they create those roller-coaster highs and lows in blood sugar, insulin, hunger, and cravings. Due to these blood sugar ups and downs, the white stuff -whether sugar, flour, or white rice -is most likely to be stored as fat.

Uh, yeah. Fat storage is clearly the last thing I need. More later...

Ginger: And the winner is...SPORTY

If you've been watching our WOW Challenge, you'll know that Sporty left everyone in the dust for the first two weeks. Despite a valiant last ditch effort in Week 3, I was unable to close the gap. Once again, Sporty's consistent effort has paid off.

Congratulations Sporty!

Sporty: Superman and Weightloss

Today the long awaited sequel "Spiderman 3" opens. Are you a Spidey or Superman fan?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sporty: This sucks!!! A downer and a lesson

I haven't been staying for the weight watcher meetings after weigh in.

Last week I decided to start going to the meetings because per ww people who attend meetings have triple the success. Today, I got there a little late and saw that the regular leader wasn't there. In her place was some skinny peppy girl rambling about losing 26lbs and drinking too much beer. Hmmm?

I asked the receptionist if the regular leader was on vacation and she made some vague statement about an announcement. The time for celebrations came and I happily recieved my 10% key chain and 25lbs lost magnet. I must admit I was feeling pretty pumped.

Anyways near the end of the meeting the regular leader came in and announced that she has been fighting the battle of the bulge and has decided to step down as a leader and join weight watchers as a member. What!?

This sucks!!! Not only did I feel instantly deflated but I don't think I could bear sitting through 26lb skinny peppy girl ramble on and on and on about her peppy struggles with being skinny and peppy. UGH.

Not only is this at least my 5th time attempting weight watchers so on "my 10% day" to see the lifetime factor of the program crumble before my eyes was a total DEMOTIVATOR.

Of course logically I know that weight loss is a journey of peaks and valleys. I totally get that... hell I've been up and down the scale enough times to know but emotionally .....

Taking a moment to pause, I admire the leader's courage to take control of her situation and to say it to group even though I wish she had done secretly and that ww said that she moved or something. I know that's totally selfish. Also I have the choice to go to another meeting or I can give 26lb skinny peppy girl a chance.

Lessons for me to learn again -

1. don't get too confident because this is hard work & gaining is easy
2. this journey to lifetime is just that - a lifetime journey.

p.s. i'll be more positive tomorrow.
p.p.s Ginger I do LOVE skinnys :-)

Sporty: Week 12/Month 3 (5/3/07)

Made it to my 10% goal...
MILESTONE #1 achieved!

This morning I put on my "weigh-in" outfit, removed extra items (i.e. jewelry, watch, glasses) and headed to WW. Now I know that was a tad bit obessive but I didn't want to take any chances. LOL! I was hoping for the scale to say 223.2 which was my 10% goal but it said 222.6. YAY!!! Relief and excitment. I was really happy to make it this first milestone.

Last week's goals:
Grocery Shop - Yes
Plan meals night before 5 of 7 days - Yes.
Good Health guidelines 6 of 7 days - No. 5 out of 7 days.
Sleep a min. of 7 hrs/night 5 of 7 days - No.
Do PT recommended "core stretches" - Yes.
Daily devotions to include prayers for the "strength" to develop & maintain healthy habits - No.
Earn 28 Activity points - No. Earned 24.

Final Stats
Pounds lost: 25.6
Inches lost: 14.75
Body Fat lost: 4.5
Clothing size: 1 size
Milestone #1 : Achieved 10% goal
Next Milestone: Onderland

Ginger: Just for "Fun"

Since I did a food log last week, I thought I'd explore the whole vegan thing a bit more. Specifically, I wanted to check out my hunch that vegan choices help me to avoid random eating -particularly ice-cream cravings.

So, I flipped through my entries then started cracking up. Just for fun, here's a sample of non-vegan items that I consumed last week.

Strawberry Malt
Now this is the really good malt -you know the kind that comes in a tall glass with a spoon and the extra tin cup on the side? According to one website, "Specific nutritional data on Fuddruckers menu items is not currently available." I guess they're going with ignorance = bliss.

Pecan Mudslide
Stressful afternoon which ends with a trip to Dairy Queen. The Pecan Mudslide racks up 650 Calories, 12g Saturated Fat, 70g Sugar, 2g Fiber.

A cheesy Mexican dinner -which we won't even address - followed by dessert at Michael's Gelato. Let's assume that the double scoop cone was about 1 cup of gelato. That averages 300 Calories, 4g Saturated Fat, 44g Sugar, 0g Fiber. Hey, I guess it's better than the malt or the mudslide.

Oreo Shake
I save the best for last and down an Oreo Shake at Jack in the Box. My day and week both end with a whopping 910 Calories, 32g Saturated Fat, 80g Sugar, 1g Fiber.

No wonder I haven't been losing weight!! I don't even want to think about what all that sugar is doing in my body. Well, maybe I do...stay tuned for the next post.

Ginger: The Bottom Line, Part VIII (April 26- May 2)


* Drink: 32 oz of water on 7 days. NO -5.
* Stop: Eat all meals + snacks before 8:00 PM on 7 days. YES -7.
* Lift: Do 2 strength training classes. YES - 3.
* Move: Do 2 cardio workouts. YES -5.


What I'm Thinking:

The tracker had been showing the same 2 lb weight loss for more than a month. I made two changes to get a more accurate week-by-week assessment. First, I used last week's weight as my starting point. I also put the actual numbers up there.

The zero movement is clearly due to random eating. I'm ready to lose. I don't know if I'm ready to commit to a stringent food plan. I can more or less drag myself to the gym. Food is always where the rubber hits the road. The little voice in my head is whispering: Vegan...Vegan....Vegan.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Mimi: Live Like You're Dying

Ok,it was a 2004 song, but I'm not a country music fan and just heard it for the first time this morning. Have you guys heard it?

It was good for me to think about eternity and quality of life. Eating right and exercising is hard, but I think about the things I may miss out on because of a shorter life span or just the lack of physical ability to do them at this weight and I'm motivated and inspired to keep on the journey. Here are the lyrics:

Tim McGraw - Live Like You Were Dying Lyrics

He said I was in my early forties
with a lot of life before me
when a moment came that stopped me on a dime
and I spent most of the next days
looking at the x-rays
Talking bout the options
and talking bout sweet time
I asked him when it sank in
that this might really be the real end
how's it hit you when you get that kinda news
man what'd you do

and he said
I went sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named BluManchu
and I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I gave forgiveness I'd been denying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying.

He said I was finally the husband
that most the time I wasn't
and I became a friend a friend would like to have
and all the sudden going fishin
wasn't such an imposition
and I went three times that year I lost my dad
well I finally read the good book
and I took a good long hard look
at what I'd do if I could do it all again

and then
I went sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named BluManchu
and I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I gave forgiveness I'd been denying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying.

Like tomorrow was a gift and you got eternity to think about
what'd you do with it what did you do with it
what did I do with it
what would I do with it'

Sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named BluManchu
and then I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I watched an eagle as it was flying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying.
To live like you were dying
To live like you were dying
To live like you were dying
To live like you were dying

Good stuff

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Posh: Update's what i've been doing towards weightloss these last few months...
...i weigh more than when i started the blog...
...inspiration is like a feather in the wind, getting further and further out of reach...
...been avoiding the blog and ignoring the email updates...
...didn't like the guilty twinges...
...but been planning to post ever since sporty and ginger manipulated me into visiting the blog...
...ginger put that post about can anybody say something to get posh back, and sporty said that we could race to 199 and if i won she'd do something embarassing...
...well, i'm racing...
...just haven't left go yet...
...see, i had this dream...yeah, yeah, this dream that the monopoly guy came to visit and he told me not to pass go and not to collect 200 dollars...
...anybody believe that??...
...yeah, i wouldn't either...
...but i'm gonna try the suggestion i gave mimi in the comments to one of her posts...
...anytime i start feeling guilty about doing nothing, i'll get up and drink a glass of water or do an intense 2 minute exercise...
...with that being said, i guess i'll go have a glass of water...

Mimi: The Wall

I think I might have hit my wall yesterday. I was sitting down and there was flesh where there didn't use to be flesh (I think they call if muffin top), but mine was more like a "loaf top."

I feel like my body is my enemy, and no one needs to tell me that is not healthy. But the thing is, for me, I don't need to be a certain size or weight to have my body be my friend again. I just need to feel like I'm doing something to make a difference...for real. Not like I've been doing for the last several months. That was not committment.

I'm hoping this wall is a point of "on." I'm up and off to go walking. I've committed to going back to WW on Saturday (even though I dread the numbers). I just need to feel more pro-active so I can get out of this bad mental/emotional spot around my weight.

btw...any hints on how not to be demoralized and depressed about the gain the scale is going to show? Any suggestions helpful!

I'll keep you "posted." *grin*