Friday, May 25, 2007

Sporty: 5 Weight Loss Blunders

From an email article:

Many people who are overweight share the same habits. In almost every case, it's these habits that caused them to be overweight in the first place. Not only that - these same habits make it nearly impossible to lose weight.
But don't despair!
The good news is that by making some small changes you can eliminate these roadblocks and bring about positive change to your body.

  1. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables or (only eating 'starchy' vegetables such as potatoes.)
  2. Not drinking enough water (Most fluids come from sweetened drinks (sodas and milky coffees).
  3. Lots of snacking (Where most snacks are either high in fat or sugar or both.)
  4. Skipping meals (usually breakfast)
  5. Low or no exercise.


Ginger said...

Ok -ain't this the truth? It looks so obvious when it's in black and white. Good find. If/when I revamp my goals, I'll keep these "blunders" in mind.

PB - AFineBalance said...

I need to make sure I focus on these too.