Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sporty: Sleep your way to Skinny

Check out this article "6 Summer Slim Down Tricks"

These two "tricks" stood out to me:

Get enough sleep
During sleep, our bodies rest and regenerate, so we can be strong and clear-headed the following day-clear-headed enough to make wise food choices. What's more, sleep deprivation causes an imbalance in certain hormones, including ghrelin (which causes weight gain) and leptin (which decreases appetite). When we don't get enough sleep, our levels of ghrelin go up (more weight gain) and levels of leptin go down (so we are hungrier). Don't think of it as downtime, but as another important facet of your nutrition plan.

Donate your "fat clothes"
Losing weight is a major accomplishment. As soon as an item of clothing is too big for you anymore, give it away. Don't keep it in your closet as part of your "just in case" wardrobe. It is easier to back-slide if you have bigger pants to slide into.


Ginger said...

That sleep one is HUGE for me. Thanks for the reminder.

djw said...

The donate your "fat" clothes thing should work theoretically but I've had to dip into the wallet a couple of times to replace "fat" clothes....=)