Friday, May 4, 2007

Sporty: Core Plan Info

Ginger said she was interested in getting some info on the WW core plan. Here is brief summary.

Two things to focus on:

1. Eat as much as you need to feel satisfied of wholesome nutritious foods without tracking or counting.

2. Enjoy "off-the-list" treats in controlled amounts.

I also think of the core plan as eating healthy "core foods" most of the time and if you want ice cream or pizza you have 35 points (about 1700 calories) each week to use for an Oreo Mudslide!

The key to the plan is learning your personal "hunger comfort zone" and only eating until you feel satisfied. If followed you get to lose weight and eat icecream! :-)

Here are some links that provide more details:

What do you think?


Ginger said...

Oops -you need an account to sign in to some of the WW pages.

PB - AFineBalance said...

Try it now.

Ginger said...

Ok, I REALLY like this approach. I think I'll try a homemade version and get advice from you guys re: points.