Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sporty: This sucks!!! A downer and a lesson

I haven't been staying for the weight watcher meetings after weigh in.

Last week I decided to start going to the meetings because per ww people who attend meetings have triple the success. Today, I got there a little late and saw that the regular leader wasn't there. In her place was some skinny peppy girl rambling about losing 26lbs and drinking too much beer. Hmmm?

I asked the receptionist if the regular leader was on vacation and she made some vague statement about an announcement. The time for celebrations came and I happily recieved my 10% key chain and 25lbs lost magnet. I must admit I was feeling pretty pumped.

Anyways near the end of the meeting the regular leader came in and announced that she has been fighting the battle of the bulge and has decided to step down as a leader and join weight watchers as a member. What!?

This sucks!!! Not only did I feel instantly deflated but I don't think I could bear sitting through 26lb skinny peppy girl ramble on and on and on about her peppy struggles with being skinny and peppy. UGH.

Not only is this at least my 5th time attempting weight watchers so on "my 10% day" to see the lifetime factor of the program crumble before my eyes was a total DEMOTIVATOR.

Of course logically I know that weight loss is a journey of peaks and valleys. I totally get that... hell I've been up and down the scale enough times to know but emotionally .....

Taking a moment to pause, I admire the leader's courage to take control of her situation and to say it to group even though I wish she had done secretly and that ww said that she moved or something. I know that's totally selfish. Also I have the choice to go to another meeting or I can give 26lb skinny peppy girl a chance.

Lessons for me to learn again -

1. don't get too confident because this is hard work & gaining is easy
2. this journey to lifetime is just that - a lifetime journey.

p.s. i'll be more positive tomorrow.
p.p.s Ginger I do LOVE skinnys :-)


Ginger said...

You ROCK. Hula girl made it to the end -and then some. Thanks for the great example. Hip, Hip...Hooray!!

Ginger said...

Oops. This comment was supposed to go to your other post. I guess it still applies.

Anyway, in light of the leadership transition downer, I also wanted to encourage you to keep looking "within" and "above" for the hope and determination to sustain the habits that you value. YOU have what it takes -and this "skinny" (who'd love to lose 26 lbs) is rooting for you.

PB - AFineBalance said...

You are truly the best cheerleader ever. Thanks.
I'm going to make look up and within my new mantra!

Also I LOVE Skinnys :-). Just not that peppy one. LOL!

Mimi said...

Sporty, girl, I am with you!

Be encouraged that I'll be here for the whole journey (when I lose 100lbs, I'll start thinking about total amount I want to lose).

We can do this!!

PB - AFineBalance said...

Thanks Mimi, you're the best.