Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sporty: Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels

This is a favorite saying at WW meetings.

Is is true?

Does Skinny really taste better than pizza???????


Ginger said...

lol. hopefully we'll find out! i was talking to my cousin yesterday. she was telling me how she has to give herself a pep talk before every single workout vs. those people who are "excited to just get home and put on their sneakers and sweatpants." then she shared her philosophy of food: "i want to eat what tastes good and i want to eat a lot of it!" she had me cracking up...

PB - AFineBalance said...

I think I'll ask my skinny cousin too who lost like 40lbs on WW. Wears a 4/6 and looks fab!

I totally like that eat lots of tasty foods philosophy. :-)

djw said...

Ginger, you were rocking some size 8's for a while'd that feel?

Ginger said... happened slowly + sort of unconsciously -so I didn't think/feel any differently.

A friend actually had to point out that my jeans were sagging :-) When Scary's scale read "135" I was shocked.

The upside was that I didn't feel all stressed out about "losing" but the downside is that I don't know/remember what led up to those results. lol.