Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sporty: Week 12/Month 3 (5/3/07)

Made it to my 10% goal...
MILESTONE #1 achieved!

This morning I put on my "weigh-in" outfit, removed extra items (i.e. jewelry, watch, glasses) and headed to WW. Now I know that was a tad bit obessive but I didn't want to take any chances. LOL! I was hoping for the scale to say 223.2 which was my 10% goal but it said 222.6. YAY!!! Relief and excitment. I was really happy to make it this first milestone.

Last week's goals:
Grocery Shop - Yes
Plan meals night before 5 of 7 days - Yes.
Good Health guidelines 6 of 7 days - No. 5 out of 7 days.
Sleep a min. of 7 hrs/night 5 of 7 days - No.
Do PT recommended "core stretches" - Yes.
Daily devotions to include prayers for the "strength" to develop & maintain healthy habits - No.
Earn 28 Activity points - No. Earned 24.

Final Stats
Pounds lost: 25.6
Inches lost: 14.75
Body Fat lost: 4.5
Clothing size: 1 size
Milestone #1 : Achieved 10% goal
Next Milestone: Onderland


Mimi said...

WOO HOO!!!!!

(I'm doing a chair dance in your honor).


Keep it up. I'm back tomorrow morning for initial weigh-in. I'll let you know how it goes.

djw said...

Way to go!!! You rock!