Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ginger: The Bottom Line, Part VIII (April 26- May 2)


* Drink: 32 oz of water on 7 days. NO -5.
* Stop: Eat all meals + snacks before 8:00 PM on 7 days. YES -7.
* Lift: Do 2 strength training classes. YES - 3.
* Move: Do 2 cardio workouts. YES -5.


What I'm Thinking:

The tracker had been showing the same 2 lb weight loss for more than a month. I made two changes to get a more accurate week-by-week assessment. First, I used last week's weight as my starting point. I also put the actual numbers up there.

The zero movement is clearly due to random eating. I'm ready to lose. I don't know if I'm ready to commit to a stringent food plan. I can more or less drag myself to the gym. Food is always where the rubber hits the road. The little voice in my head is whispering: Vegan...Vegan....Vegan.


PB - AFineBalance said...

Have you ever considered the WW core plan program? You get ti eat "wholesome" foods without counting but you also get 35 pts (about 1750 calories) for non core foods like icecream. Might be a way to enjoy treats but still see progress. I have more info if you're interested.

djw said...

Well you do know one thing... The vegan diet worked for you!