Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sporty: Dining Out & Staying on Track

An email I got today.

Strategies with Food and Activity Brought to you by Bally Total Fitness

Being able to dine out with family and friends and maintain calorie recommendations is crucial to your weight loss success. Plan what you are going to eat beforehand by looking up the menu online or by calling ahead. Exercise that day to make up for the calories. Have a small snack before dinner so you don't go to the restaurant starving. All of these tips will help you to enjoy your dinner and stay on track!


Ginger said...

Good advice -and timely. I've been taking big points "hits" at Saturday lunches with a small group from church. This week they're doing lunch AND homemade pizza for dinner. Yikes! This time I'll be more prepared...

PB - AFineBalance said...

I hear ya! Going on vacation next week for 5 days. Trying to plan. Called ahead and there's a gym so plan to live there and pretend I'm a speed swimmer in the pool. LOL!