Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ginger: The Bottom Line [May 17-23]

No movement this week and the "stats" tell the story. I wrote stuff down but didn't aggressively tally up the points as I went along. In fact by the end of the week, I was making some pretty random choices. I forgot how "a little here" and "a little there" can really add up!

Lift: 2 cardio workouts. YES -6.
Move: 2 strength workouts. YES -3.
Drink: 32 oz/day of water. NO -2 days.
Eat: 1 free meal + 35 points. NO -1 free meal + 64 points.
Stop: Eat before 8 pm every day. NO -3 days.
Sleep: Go to bed by 10:30 PM [NEW]


PB - AFineBalance said...

Good Effort!!! I admire your emotional balance and straight forward goals.

I see that rocking those workouts. Can you tell what your heart rate is when you're working out? For cardio do you usually stay between 70-85% of your max?

Ginger said...

Thanks! Yup, I think I'm in that range. 135-150. I've been doing the same intervals for a while though. I'll take it up a notch and see what my heart rate does...

PB - AFineBalance said...

Are you into spinning?

Ginger said...

lol. i had to escort myself out (5 minutes into the class) the last time i tried it. might be worth another shot though :-)

i just did my interval routine on the elliptical but bumped everything up a notch. was sweating much more than usual. hope that's a good sign!

PB - AFineBalance said...

LOL! Oh gosh - spinning can certainly do it. It also surprises me how little changes can make stuff so much harder. I didn't even know that the incline on the treadmill went up to 15!!! Today the trainer had me at 10 I thought I was going to pass. I had been trash talking earlier. Learned my lesson on that one. I told that I would fake heaving breathing but she said she is just looking at my heart rate. LOL!

The other thing I SWEAR my polar heart rate monitor (w/ heart strap). I recommend the investment to everyone when you can. I like the F11 then F6. It's a heft tag F11 is $159 and the F6 is 106 i think. My perception is usually off when it comes to effort. LOL!