I used to be 115lbs. That was eons ago. 11 years...eons... same thing. I'm 209lbs now. I wanna get to 140lbs. Thanks to www.mvm.com, I can see what that looks like. And that's the virutal me in a big belly bathing suit. Yes, that was the actual name of the category...big belly...I guess it's supposed to make your big belly look...less big?
Ever seen those before and after pics that people post? I love lookin' at those. I always start off with a bit of awe...Wow, look at them! That's amazing!...Then I move into a wistful place...Why can't that be me?? I wanta look like that!... And soon the inspiration starts welling up from within... It can be me! I'll just do what they did! If they can do it, so can I!... I quickly race to the kitchen to make a protein shake (a symbol of my immediate weight-loss action plan) and find to my dismay that the protein mix, which has been sitting in the cupboards for the last two years, has passed its expiration date...Great...Just grrreat... I drag my feet back to the pics and glance again, but this time with disdain...Yeah, right. I'm on to you...I see the small print: results not typical... Consolation comes grudgingly as I sit with my bag of cheese curls and tell myself that if I was on weight-watchers, the bag would only be 4 points...
LOVE this tool. The model definitely captures your essence. Ha ha.
Well if you looked like that model you almost wouldn't have to lose weight... ha ha! I did one and my skin looked so tight and firm... I was almost happy with the look. The tool doesn't catch the cellulite, flabby skin and belly rolls that truly make the weight a problem. But we get the picture...
This model is great. I have a waist people. No more do my hips look bigger than my waist
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