Friday, September 28, 2007
Sporty: Bad Start
Breakfast: Protein Shake
Snack: Fruit
Lunch: Protein Shake
Snack: McDonalds - cone, sm fries, 4 mcnuggets, diet coke
Dinner: Papa Johns - 4 slices, KFC - 1 wing, Diet coke - tried to get a Coke but they were out
*Didn't plan, got hungry, said F*** it, tired, a bit overwhelmed
*Didn't exercise. Cancelled PT session for tomorrow.
*Had 2 key moments to make different decisions and salvage but chose not to. No bonus points left.
**Sprayed leftover pizza and chicken with bleach.**
Tomorrow will be better!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Food Log Sept 27 to Oct 3
Slice of Toast--2
2 teaspoons peanutbutter--1.5
1-2tsp jam--.5
Piece of Coconut Bake--3
Thin slice of cheese--2
8 oz sprite--2
1 1/2 cups mac and cheese-13.5
1/2 cup baked beans--3
1/2 cup corn--1
Total: 28.5
Weekly Pt Values left: 32.5
See comments for food log updates
Sporty: Week 33 (09/27/07)
Last Week:

Struggled alot this week with staying on track and motivated. Work was crazy and it turns out that I had major PMS. I'd like to publicly apologize to the poor Comcast customer service lady who was the unfortuntate victim of a PMS mood swing. Work deadlines, little sleep, stress eating and PMS - a really bad combination. Next week will be better.
This Week:
1. Priortize health. Stay focused. Stay on track
2. Stay within pts
3. Go to the gym
4. Journal all foods
5. Last Lap I
Update for "How much are you willing to lose"
Initial: 248
Start: 212 (220)
Current: 206
Removed since last update: 6lbs (14 lbs) /18lbs to go
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A lil' bit a umph, umph
The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!
That's my mantra for right now. Well I've modified it to the title of this post: "A lil bit a umph, umph!" I'm gonna see if I can put a little bit more umph each week. Still struggling. No exercise this week. No healthy guidelines. Have a food log with random WW points. Gonna find some umph for next week!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sporty: Ten for Ten

For the Month of October (10 for 10):
1. Stop wholegrains, bread, potatoes, pasta after 3 pm
2. Eliminate sugar
3. Eliminate soda
4. Stop dairy - milk, cheese (Exception protein shakes made with dairy)
5. Stop eating after 8 pm (Eat after 8, pack on the weight)
6. Follow the Good Health Guidelines
7. Eat a minimum of 3 servings of protein daily
8. Stay within the hunger comfort zone
9. Eat a minimum of 5 meals daily
10. Have 1 "free day" each week
What did I agree to? LOL!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
That's a decrease on both.
Diet starts this week. I'm counting points.=)
Sporty: Posh let's go to Onderland

Sporty: Week 32/Month 8 (09/20/07)
Last Week:
Lost 3.5 to surpass mini goal 208 (40lbs). Thank you God! Achieved all but 1 goal - made it to the gym but burnt less calories than planned - but made it to the gym. Next wt goal 203 (45 lbs).

This Week:
1. Last Lap I
2. Burn 2800 calories (28 AP)
3. Earn 6 bonus pts through devotions w/ journalling
4. Stay within daily pts target 4 of 7 days
5. Stay focused. Prioritize healthy habits.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Hanging In There- Part 2
I remember reading a commentary on the story about Jesus visiting the temple at the age of 12. How His mother “lost” him and spent 3 days looking for Him before she found Him. The author was pointing out how this story parallels our spiritual experiences. She said that our drift away from Christ can be so casual that we don’t even notice…caught up in the hub -bub of our day or of our lives we “lose” Christ and then suddenly we wonder what happened. She pointed out that often times it takes longer to re-find him than it does to lose him. And sometimes it’s more difficult, that road back to God. I’ve found that to be true in my life. I’ll be on a nice routine, devotions in the morning or before bed, nice focus on spiritual things, enjoyable prayer time…a busy day comes along and I think I’ll be ok to skip it this once…before I know it I’m looking back over time wondering how I skipped so many before realizing I was skipping most? And then getting back in the routine always seems like swimming against the current.
Found this concept true for my weight-loss experience. The road back always seems harder and longer and I wonder how I ever stopped…
Ginger: Mr. Sandman
Anyway, thumbs up on a regular bedtime. I've noticed that it really sets the tone (good or bad) for the next day. It's partly about being rested but I think the practice of shutting down at a regular hour also helps because it interrupts the script that I had in place before. I'm not up to date on Frasier or Will and Grace but hey, a lot more work is getting done!
Sporty: Motivation
Jim Eason:
If you want to look young and thin, hang around old fat people.
Vince Lombardi:
It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up.
Benjamin Franklin:
You may delay, but time will not.
The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.
The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!
You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.
The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Sporty: Week 31 (09/13/07)
Whew! Made it through this week. Used all 35 bonus pts on various bday celebration foods (macaroni pie, corn roast, bussupshot, pone). It was a close call - but I've been trying the personal hunger zone thing and it has really helped with overeating. Go weight watchers. Compensated with exercise (32 ap/3200 c). Lost 2.5.

This Week:
Anyways, "psyching" myself up for this week. Nervous about the work/healthy living balance bit. Have some pressing work deadlines but telling myself that health is more important than work. Worked out a plan for alternate exercise times, etc.
1. Stay focused. Stay balanced. Stay on track.
2. Journal all foods
3. Stay within pts
4. Earn 5 bonus pts
5. Last Lap I
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hanging In There....
I'm tired.
I want to exercise.
I want to cook my CORE foods.
It just takes so much energy.
Finally got up and exercised on Tuesday evening.
Felt so great to be up and moving.
Instantly brought back good feelings of my high points of exercise.
Had to slow down half way through the routine.
Got a headache. Too much too fast. Should have chosen a milder routine for my comeback.
Think Britney should have done that too.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Ginger: Work and Exercise
Sporty: Hangin in?
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Ginger: WOW 3 Results
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Sporty: Week 30 (09/06/07)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Sporty: You've got to check this out

This book was written for us. I'm still reading it, but I had to put it down - to blog - to ask everyone to check it out. Body for Life for Women, is a refinement on the original Bill Phillips book but with a gender-specific focus. It talks about a plan of action for each hormonal milestone we're facing. For example we're all in milestone 2: The reproductive years. Alot of this stuff we already know, but it is presented with a fresh, research based, real-world tested, woman focused approach.
More to follow but just had to let you know. Find this book - seriously.
Sporty: Bonus pts for Last Lap I, etc
The plan -
- Diet Plan - WW points
- Bonus pts - Devotion w/ journaling
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Ginger: Calling All DJs
I'm looking for upbeat music. Specifically stuff that talks about female identity...self confidence etc. Old or new, it doesn't matter.
Here's what I have so far:
1. Video, India.Arie
2. Pretty Baby, Eric Benet
3. Doo Wop (That Thing), Lauryn Hill
What would YOU add to my playlist?
4. Unpretty, TLC
5. You Gotta Be, Des'ree
Last Lap 2007 (Part I)
(Part I): Thu Sept 6 - Wed Oct 17 (6 weeks)
Diet - 7 days/wk for max of 35 pts
- Earn 5 pts for each day you follow your diet i.e. WW core, WW points, Vegan, etc
Good Health Guidelines 5 days/wk [1 pt each] for a max of 25 pts
- 8 (8oz) cups Water
- 2 svgs Milk products/Milk substitutes/Calcium supplements
- 2 tsp Healthy Oils (olive, flax, canola, sunflower, safflower)
- 5 (1/2C) svgs Fruit/Veggies
- Multivitamin
Exercise [3pts each] for a max of 39 pts
- 5 days of cardio @ 30 min
- 3 days of strength @ 4 muscle groups
- 5 days of mind-body @ 10 min
Blog [10 pts]
- 1 weekly post to blog to check-in, give status update on your goals, etc
Online Food Log [10 pts]
- 5 days of food entries posted to online log
Bonus [up to 6 pts/week]
- 1 hr of strength/cardio/mind-body on your "off day" (6 pts) OR 1-6 days of Daily Personal Goal (1 pt each day)