Tonight I experienced my first earthquake. At first I heard a low rumbling noise. I thought it might be the neighbor's garbage disposal. Shortly after that I felt "movement" and my upright vacuum cleaner started vibrating. Not so much the garbage disposal. I stood still for a minute -all dramatic, surfing-style, feet apart, arms outstretched, leaning forward slightly- then ran to look at the "in case of emergency" sign posted on the back of my door. Here's what it says:
1. Duck
2. Find safe cover and hold
-Keep away from windows
-Keep away from shelving
3. Evacuate if safe (use your judgment)
-Use stairways, never use elevators
4. Go to your Emergency Assembly Point
-Report missing persons to the leader
Ok, somewhat helpful. What's up with the "use your judgment" clause though? My instinctive response (to all natural disasters) involves crawling into a bathtub. They're calling it a moderate quake. No major damage or injuries reported. According to the news, "the odds of another earthquake [of similar size] diminish as the hours go by."
Good to know.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ginger: Exodus 15
For the last few weeks, I've been learning the prayer from Exodus 15. It's the victory song that Moses and Miriam sing after the Israelites cross the Red Sea.
One of the lines, "The Lord is a warrior" is my new mantra. It comes in handy at least once a day. It's so empowering to know that we serve a warrior God who does battle on our behalf.
Here's another section that I like a lot: "In your love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling." God doesn't leave us at the shore. He continues to we're right where he wants us.
Reading these verses makes me want to crank up Fred Hammond's "Show Yourself Strong" at full volume. In fact, I think I'm gonna do just that!
Done! I made it all the way through the prayer.
One of the lines, "The Lord is a warrior" is my new mantra. It comes in handy at least once a day. It's so empowering to know that we serve a warrior God who does battle on our behalf.
Here's another section that I like a lot: "In your love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling." God doesn't leave us at the shore. He continues to we're right where he wants us.
Reading these verses makes me want to crank up Fred Hammond's "Show Yourself Strong" at full volume. In fact, I think I'm gonna do just that!
Done! I made it all the way through the prayer.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Ginger: A Doing Partner or Two
Do you ever get tired of thinking? Thinking is great but, for me, it sometimes takes the place of doing. Ever so often, I get tired of listening to my own endless litany of plans, ideas, reflections etc.
Today is one of those days.
I'm looking for a few local "doing" partners -folks who support me in doing "the next right thing" without getting into the storyline of it all. I'll let you know how this search turns out!
Today is one of those days.
I'm looking for a few local "doing" partners -folks who support me in doing "the next right thing" without getting into the storyline of it all. I'll let you know how this search turns out!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Ginger: Like Wildflowers
On Thursday I went to a staff retreat. I'm employed half-time so it's good to put in an appearance from time to time. Anyway, the day was unexpectedly cut short. Just before lunch, another staff member suffered a massive stroke.
One minute she was sitting at the table with all of us. The next minute, paramedics were picking her up off the floor. She is young. Fit. A wife. A mom. So far the reports on her condition are not great. Please pray for her and for their family.
Then there's the whole California Burning thing.
It hasn't been a real upbeat week. It was the kind of week that brings verses like these (from Psalm 103) into focus: "Men and women don't live very long; like wildflowers they spring up and blossom, But a storm snuffs them out just as quickly...God's love though, is ever and always, eternally present to all who fear him."
Now there's something worth organizing our short lives around.
The memorial service is scheduled for Saturday, November 2. Please keep the family in your prayers. I'm sure it's going to be a tough day.
In lieu of sending flowers, well-wishers can donate to a fund for her daughter. An account has been set up at the Stanford Credit Union, P.O. Box 10690, Palo Alto, CA 94303-0843. Checks should be made payable to Brian Emery with reference to sub-account “Syouthsub1”.
One minute she was sitting at the table with all of us. The next minute, paramedics were picking her up off the floor. She is young. Fit. A wife. A mom. So far the reports on her condition are not great. Please pray for her and for their family.
Then there's the whole California Burning thing.
It hasn't been a real upbeat week. It was the kind of week that brings verses like these (from Psalm 103) into focus: "Men and women don't live very long; like wildflowers they spring up and blossom, But a storm snuffs them out just as quickly...God's love though, is ever and always, eternally present to all who fear him."
Now there's something worth organizing our short lives around.
The memorial service is scheduled for Saturday, November 2. Please keep the family in your prayers. I'm sure it's going to be a tough day.
In lieu of sending flowers, well-wishers can donate to a fund for her daughter. An account has been set up at the Stanford Credit Union, P.O. Box 10690, Palo Alto, CA 94303-0843. Checks should be made payable to Brian Emery with reference to sub-account “Syouthsub1”.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sporty: Week 37 (10/25/07)
Better week than last week. Exercised 4x. Didn't follow a particular food plan but ate with more awareness. Lost .5 lbs (207 lbs).
This week:
1. Exercise 5x
2. Journal foods
3. Decide on and committ to a food plan (by next Thu )
4. Focus on mini-goal of losing 10lbs (by last Thu in Nov)
5. Limit eating out - subway or salads w/ lf dressing
6. Grocery Shop
Update for "How much are you willing to lose" (NB goal changed to 198)
Initial: 248
Start: 220 (Aug -212; Sept - 206))
Current (Oct) : 207
Gained 1 lb since last update (9 lbs to go)
This week:
1. Exercise 5x
2. Journal foods
3. Decide on and committ to a food plan (by next Thu )
4. Focus on mini-goal of losing 10lbs (by last Thu in Nov)
5. Limit eating out - subway or salads w/ lf dressing
6. Grocery Shop
Update for "How much are you willing to lose" (NB goal changed to 198)
Initial: 248
Start: 220 (Aug -212; Sept - 206))
Current (Oct) : 207
Gained 1 lb since last update (9 lbs to go)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sporty: Putting it in the atmosphere
I've decided to lose 10 lbs by the last Thursday in November.
There I said -- I put it in the atmosphere.
There I said -- I put it in the atmosphere.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ginger: New Hard Drive

My mom recently suggested that I back up my research data. She may not be tech savvy, but she is one of THE most practical people that I know.
She's also fast-acting, which gave me the extra motivation (and financing) that I needed to stop procrastinating. On Friday, I bought the Maxtor OneTouch 4 Mini.
I love it! It's small, it has more than enough space to house my files, and it's easy to use. I no longer live in fear of computer theft or malfunction.
Thanks Mom.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Ginger: It Ain't Pretty

Here's what one review had to say:
A look at fat from the inside out? Another exhibit that has caused much audience reaction is "Suicide by Fat: Obesity Revealed." This display features the internal organs and fatty flesh of a 300-pound man who died from heart failure at age 50. According to Body Worlds, this man's heart became so enlarged from his obesity that it wasn't able to supply his body with continual blood flow. Still, the most shocking part of this display is that the obese man's organs are contrasted with those of a 120-pound man. And the differences are dramatic. For instance, layers of fat engulfed the organs of the obese man, while the slim man's organs were covered by thin tissue. According to Dana Morrisey, a 22-year-old woman who toured the Body World exhibit in Chicago, "[The obesity exhibit] was a case of reality bites. When I saw the obesity specimen, I knew that I would end up like that if I didn't make some changes."Um, yeah. This view puts a habit like "sucking in my gut" into its proper perspective. Limited at best...
I'm totally buying the post card.
Ginger: Tofutti Pint
Last Tuesday's Oprah featured Dr. Christine Northrup. Although I'm a little leery of "chakra" references and such, the show was a wake-up call about women's bodies and the changes that could kick in as early as 35(!). Also, she ended the show with a statement that spoke to me -a sugar addict in recovery. I know why I just ate that pint of Tofutti!
"Those things [exercise, meditation, and sex] increase beta-endorphin in the brain. "It's the natural morphine-like substance and you absolutely need it for mood modulation. And if you don't get it naturally through meditation, exercise or sex, you will get it abnormally through drugs and alcohol and sugar. You're going to go for pleasure because your body needs to have pleasure. You need it. But I'd much rather have you get it deliberately in healthy doses." I know why I just ate that pint of Tofutti!
Ginger: 5K on November 4
I got talked into a 5K last week. Hmmm. One minute I'm casually walking over to say "hi" to a few folks after church. Next thing I know, I'm nodding "yes" and adding my name to the list of walkers/runners. It's on campus which is a good thing. Could this be the inspiration that I needed to start exercising again?!?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Ginger: Test Dates
Just a follow up on when to get tested for various health concerns. Check out the link for more details.
Age 12
Blood pressure test and, for men, testicular exam
Age 20
Cholesterol test
Age 21
For women, gynecology exam and pap smear (get tested earlier if sexually active)
Age 35
Blood sugar, anemia and thyroid exams
Age 12
Blood pressure test and, for men, testicular exam
Age 20
Cholesterol test
Age 21
For women, gynecology exam and pap smear (get tested earlier if sexually active)
Age 35
Blood sugar, anemia and thyroid exams
Sporty: Week 36/Month 9 (10/18/07)
Last week was better than last week - less overeating, less eating outing, weigh less (loss 2.5 back to 207.5). Will keep trying to get back on track.
This week:
1. Get groceries
2. Exercise - go to spintensity, see trainer
3. Go back to Jenny Craig and get foods
4. Journal foods
This week:
1. Get groceries
2. Exercise - go to spintensity, see trainer
3. Go back to Jenny Craig and get foods
4. Journal foods
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Ginger: Lucky Numbers
Do any of you know what your cholesterol level is? What about your blood glucose level? I (finally) scheduled my blood work for this Thursday. I'll be posting the results as soon as they come in. If you don't know your numbers, join me in finding out!
The doctor reminded me to schedule a "Well Woman Annual Exam," endorsed my weight loss efforts, and said to check back in about 3 months. He was a little stumped by my "inexplicably low" triglyceride count which, in turn, [probably] made the calculated LDL look a little high. In general, here's how the numbers came out...
Me: 26.1 (Overweight)
Normal Range: 18.5-24.9
Blood Pressure
Me: 110 systolic + 70 diastolic
Normal Range: <120 systolic + <80 diastolic
Total Cholesterol
Me: 198
Normal Range:<200 mg/dL
Fasting Glucose
Me: 87
Normal Range: 70-100 mg/dL
The doctor reminded me to schedule a "Well Woman Annual Exam," endorsed my weight loss efforts, and said to check back in about 3 months. He was a little stumped by my "inexplicably low" triglyceride count which, in turn, [probably] made the calculated LDL look a little high. In general, here's how the numbers came out...
Me: 26.1 (Overweight)
Normal Range: 18.5-24.9
Blood Pressure
Me: 110 systolic + 70 diastolic
Normal Range: <120 systolic + <80 diastolic
Total Cholesterol
Me: 198
Normal Range:<200 mg/dL
Fasting Glucose
Me: 87
Normal Range: 70-100 mg/dL
Monday, October 15, 2007
Ginger: Support System & Prayer
I'm going to start posting about dissertation stuff. I figure it's not too much of a stretch. Many of the principles that we've been discussion -like finding balance, developing routines and planning ahead -also apply! Not to mention the mood + energy benefits of "fit" living. I need those for sure...
First, I have to give thanks to my extended family who just kicked in the funding to outsource the last of my transcription. I have roughly 30 interviews so we're talking a four-figure number. With their help, I'll get a jump start on coding and analysis. This is clearly an answer to Sporty's prayer on Friday and the ongoing prayers of my small group. Thanks guys! outsourcing, I'm sacrificing the in-depth listening that I'd be doing if I transcribed these files myself. It's a trade-off that I'm willing to make (given my time line). Please join me in praying that: (i) turnaround will be quick, (ii) the transcripts will need little to no editing by me, (iii) I will stay "connected" to the data and move efficiently through the coding and analysis phase.
First, I have to give thanks to my extended family who just kicked in the funding to outsource the last of my transcription. I have roughly 30 interviews so we're talking a four-figure number. With their help, I'll get a jump start on coding and analysis. This is clearly an answer to Sporty's prayer on Friday and the ongoing prayers of my small group. Thanks guys! outsourcing, I'm sacrificing the in-depth listening that I'd be doing if I transcribed these files myself. It's a trade-off that I'm willing to make (given my time line). Please join me in praying that: (i) turnaround will be quick, (ii) the transcripts will need little to no editing by me, (iii) I will stay "connected" to the data and move efficiently through the coding and analysis phase.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Posh: I'm looking for a Theme Song
I have my mantra: Just a lil' bit of umph, umph (paraphrased from "The difference between try and triumph is a little 'umph'".
But I need a theme song. Looking for a theme song to get me through the end of this weight-loss year. Any suggestions?
But I need a theme song. Looking for a theme song to get me through the end of this weight-loss year. Any suggestions?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sporty: Week 35 (10/11/07)
Hallelujah! Maintained this week -- still 210. Thank God! Still not on track, still dodging my trainer but joined Jenny Craig as a crisis management strategy.
This week:
1. Eat Jenny Craig approved foods
2. Exercise 3x
3. Track foods eaten
4. Focus on mind training -- to return to "on" mode.
This week:
1. Eat Jenny Craig approved foods
2. Exercise 3x
3. Track foods eaten
4. Focus on mind training -- to return to "on" mode.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Ginger: Butternut Squash & Sage Soup
* 2 Tbsp. olive oil
* 1 large onion, chopped (about 2 cups)
* 2 butternut squashes, peeled, seeded and cut into 1-inch chunks
* 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh sage, plus 8 to 18 leaves for garnish
* 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
* Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
* Vegetable oil, for frying
In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and cook until translucent, 8 to 10 minutes. Add squash; cook 5 more minutes. Add chopped sage and broth; bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low and cook until squash is very tender, about 30 minutes. With an immersion blender, puree soup until smooth (or puree in small batches in a food processor fitted with knife blade). Season to taste with salt and pepper.
In a small pan, heat 1/2 inch vegetable oil until hot. Drop sage leaves in about 3 at a time and fry until just crisp; remove to a paper-towel-lined plate. Serve soup hot, garnished with 2 or 3 sage leaves per bowl.
taken from October 2007 issue of O Magazine
--Ginger's Notes--
-Packaged squash works just fine + cuts down on the prep time.
-If you have leftovers, try reheating them with a splash of apple cider.
* 1 large onion, chopped (about 2 cups)
* 2 butternut squashes, peeled, seeded and cut into 1-inch chunks
* 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh sage, plus 8 to 18 leaves for garnish
* 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
* Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
* Vegetable oil, for frying
In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and cook until translucent, 8 to 10 minutes. Add squash; cook 5 more minutes. Add chopped sage and broth; bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low and cook until squash is very tender, about 30 minutes. With an immersion blender, puree soup until smooth (or puree in small batches in a food processor fitted with knife blade). Season to taste with salt and pepper.
In a small pan, heat 1/2 inch vegetable oil until hot. Drop sage leaves in about 3 at a time and fry until just crisp; remove to a paper-towel-lined plate. Serve soup hot, garnished with 2 or 3 sage leaves per bowl.
taken from October 2007 issue of O Magazine
--Ginger's Notes--
-Packaged squash works just fine + cuts down on the prep time.
-If you have leftovers, try reheating them with a splash of apple cider.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Posh: Oct 4th- Oct10th
Sporty: Week 34 (10/04/07)
Bad week. Lost focus. Did not follow diet plan. Exercised 3x. Gained 4 lbs (wt 210).
This week pointed out just how easy it is to "relapse". Constant diligence is required. This is my cross to bear. Working on getting back on track. Going to need to take it down a notch (will need to pause on ten for ten & last lap).
This week:
1. Journal Foods
2, Stay within points
3. Go to a WW meeting
4. Exercise 5x
To adopt Posh's mantra: Praying for a little umph, umph!
This week pointed out just how easy it is to "relapse". Constant diligence is required. This is my cross to bear. Working on getting back on track. Going to need to take it down a notch (will need to pause on ten for ten & last lap).
This week:
1. Journal Foods
2, Stay within points
3. Go to a WW meeting
4. Exercise 5x
To adopt Posh's mantra: Praying for a little umph, umph!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
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