Monday, October 15, 2007

Ginger: Support System & Prayer

I'm going to start posting about dissertation stuff. I figure it's not too much of a stretch. Many of the principles that we've been discussion -like finding balance, developing routines and planning ahead -also apply! Not to mention the mood + energy benefits of "fit" living. I need those for sure...

First, I have to give thanks to my extended family who just kicked in the funding to outsource the last of my transcription. I have roughly 30 interviews so we're talking a four-figure number. With their help, I'll get a jump start on coding and analysis. This is clearly an answer to Sporty's prayer on Friday and the ongoing prayers of my small group. Thanks guys! outsourcing, I'm sacrificing the in-depth listening that I'd be doing if I transcribed these files myself. It's a trade-off that I'm willing to make (given my time line). Please join me in praying that: (i) turnaround will be quick, (ii) the transcripts will need little to no editing by me, (iii) I will stay "connected" to the data and move efficiently through the coding and analysis phase.