Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ginger: Auto Breakfast

I'm changing my position on repeating menus. It's easier to make a good choice if I've already thought it through.

This week I'm going with a standard breakfast: oatmeal, soy milk, flax, and fruit.

The back up plan (running late, pots are dirty etc.) is to sub cold cereal for oatmeal.

What breakfast foods do you guys enjoy?


djw said...

Well, I'm a default repeating menu person, so welcome to my version of the world. I'm assuming that your question about breakfast foods is referring to healthy ones...So, my basic healthy breakfast is also oatmeal with bananas, raisins and walnuts and soymilk and a fruit on the side. Other reoccuring standards include whole wheat toast with a teaspoon of peanut butter and fruit; or a can of pineapples (especially the ones with the tab for openning) with veggie meat. A huge apple is usually a nice filler to round off one of my meals. Enjoy your breakfasts!

PB - AFineBalance said...

I tend to repeat as well. Standards:

1. Oatmeal, soymilk, flax, raisins and if BFLing it I'll have a side of MS veggie patty or links.

2. Scrambled eggbeaters with lots of veggies (onions, greenpeppers, tomatoes) and LF eng muffin or toast.

3. Greek egg omelette - eggbeaters topped with spinach and feta cheese.

4. Breakfast smoothie - strawberry protein powder, soymilk, flax, blueberries, banana

Ginger said...

Awesome. Thanks. I'll be adding some of these to the rotation...

Mimi said...

Instant oatmeal in the winter with bananas mixed in and cold cereal in the summer. The repeating menu is what makes WW work for me. Have a plan. Stick to it. Veering from the plan is less dangerous the longer I've been following--it translates to be easier to veer shortly and then get back on course.