Saturday, January 26, 2008

If life gives you a virus, make... virusade?

Yeah, so I've been struggling with gastroenteric issues for the last 2 weeks-- In varying increments of malaise. None the less... With combined minimal eating and about 20-30 mins of walking per day (between taxi stands etc) it's been a positive for weight loss.

The real plus, though, was my body leading me to simple foods. And having to plan my meals to accomodate my stomach. Kinda kicked me into thinkng about my food choices, portions and planning meals. Was buying fruit to snack on (even though it was less convenient to get than the other nearby junk food).

Plan to carry on the food choices from the bout with my virus.


Ginger said...

I'm glad that you're feeling better :-)

Anonymous said...

Awww...sorry you've been sick. Glad you're feeling better. BTW hopefully the sick loss lbs with stay off as a benefit.

Mimi said...

Sounds like you're on the upswing? Good to hear! I like weight loss as the silver cloud...