Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ginger: The Other Appetite

As you can see from my last few posts, I've got sex on the brain. You've all probably heard me on my "Christian fundamentalism did us wrong" soapbox.

As I get older, I find that instead of having it all figured out, it's one of those things that I have to keep revisiting. I haven't started reading Sex God yet but I thought it'd be interesting to get some feedback.

So here's the two-part question...

1. Over the years, what messages about sexuality -accurate, bogus, conflicting, whatever- did you buy into?

2. What value(s) would you like to model and pass on to the kids in your life?


Ginger said...

At various points I bought into the message that sex is...a game, immoral, a habit, risky, shameful, validating, casual, intimate.

Clearly, the multiple messages -without an outlet for frank conversation -generated lots of internal conflict.

I'm at a point in my life where I'd like to live and teach the value that sex is sacred -a spiritual connection.

PB - AFineBalance said...

Will think about this more and respond but:
1. Messages - girls who had sex before marriage were sluts and dirty. Why buy the cow if you get the milk for free. We don't talk about it. Having sex outside of marriage is just not smart -- it never works out for women -- men can get away with it. Nothing about the emotional side or that the feelings were actually normal.

2. I'd like to communicate that it is natural and not bad and that having the desire is not a bad thing. I'd like create an open dialogue and help them process their personal choice in that area.

Mimi said...

First responses:
1. Messages- Very similar to Sporty's, except for my dad saying, "Sex is like any other urge. You're hungry, you eat. Your bladder is full, you go to the bathroom. Just make sure you protect yourself."

2. Not sure if I'm having kids, but the message I support is yours, Ginger, "sex is sacred." It should be a communication of a God-sanctioned union. If everything we do should glorify God, then sex should be an expression of God's love for our spouse. I'll continue to think on it...