Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ginger: The Savages

I saw "The Savages" last night. It was depressing but well done. Sign me up for the Philip Seymour Hoffman fan club.

Now I'm sitting in Starbucks which is clearly a daytime hot spot for folks who don't have a 9-5. Mom and nanny with small kids. Dads with small kids (love that). Students. Retirees.

I guess I'm paying special attention to the seniors today because of the movie. There's a steady stream of them at the table right in front of me. First there's a frail wife who leans heavily on her husband for the slow jerky procession from the door to her seat. He isn't spry but he's stable and gentle as he gets her settled, brings her drink etc. Awww.

After they leave, another pair takes over the table; the guy politely compliments several pictures of his friend's dogs and listens to her mental health update: some kind of trouble with meds; agoraphobia; a recent crying spell in a store; she doesn't want to talk about it anymore...

Next up is a quiet, well dressed woman. She sits facing a gray-haired guy with confidently crossed legs and a big, booming voice that sounds at least 10 years younger than he looks. When she leans in to talk I can't hear her at all although he rings out clearly. I invented a whole dating storyline for them.

I wonder what I'll be doing -how I'll be living- in 30, 40 years or so?


djw said...

My wish for you is that in 30-40 years, if you want to go to Starbucks -- you can! Hey, you might even see Britney and her grandkids there!=)

Anonymous said... thing that we know is that we are setting the stage for the next 30-40 years now. We are in the moment of opportunity :-)

Ginger said...

Moment of opportunity. I like that...