Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Scary: Taking The Plunge

So we all knew it was coming to this for me. Today I signed up for my first Gastric Bypass information session. I spoke for hours on Saturday with this woman who had it last year and is now down 130lbs. My God! 130lbs. With the new baby on they way and a personal recommendation - from someone who's doctor is litterally walking distance away from my house I have to at least look in to it. My insurance requires 6 months of doctor monitored "natural" weight loss attempts. My appointment is in February so my 6 months will start after that. Wish me luck! One way or the other this is the year! I can feel it!


djw said...


Ginger said...

Randy Jackson. That's all I'm saying.

PB - AFineBalance said...

Hey the "natural" weight loss could give you a head start!!Clearly, my initial feeling is to be little nervous but I certainly get it. At any rate you will be hot and fabulous for 30 in '09. :-)

Ginger said...

You'll be 30 in '09? Dag I'm old.