Saturday, June 9, 2007

Ginger: The Bottom Line [May 31-June 6]

LIFT: 2 strength training workouts. YES -3.
MOVE: 2 cardio workouts. YES -5.
EAT: *under construction*
DRINK: 32 oz water a day. NO -0
STOP: Eat meals + snacks before 8pm. NO -0.
SLEEP: Get to bed by 10pm. NO -0.

OK, here's where I'm at with eating. I love CORE conceptually but I need something that feels a bit lower-key right now. My main problems -as usual - are restaurant meals, fast food, and ice cream.

Decided to start by blending elements from a couple plans. I'll go back to 2005's vegan diet (if it ain't broke...) AND shoot for 5 fruit + veggies a day. Will check in on Thursday and tweak as needed. Looking forward to the cleaner, leaner diet.


PB - AFineBalance said...

Keep doing what works is always a good plan.

Can you tell on the vegan plan if you have the right calorie balance to lose wt/body fat?

Ginger said...

I think so 'cause it eliminates most of the high fat/high cal trigger foods. If it's not visibly panning out in a few weeks, I'll have to give in and start counting calories :-)