Friday, June 8, 2007

Sporty: What's the dilly yo?! Diet?

Stayed within my points yesterday. Yay! Actually needed to eat 7 pts but was distracted so I didn't notice (not good either). Anyways, bouncing back from being off track is a huge "mind challenge" it's not that I like how my body feels when I eat unhealthy. Frankly the food doesn't really taste as good as it used to - even pizza *gasp*. It's like I'm rebellious - I want to do what I want, eat what I want, when I want. Anyone feel me on that?

Exercise has been totally rocking given the WOW challenge but my diet is definitely slipping. We have a couple weeks left in this challenge and even though this may be the LAST thing you want to think about right now, I was wondering if anyone was interested in adding a food component to our next challenge? Now, I'm just talking about everyone doing something that fits their life but just raising the bar by earning challenge points for it. For example, you can earn 15 pts if you stay on your personal food plan for 5 of 7 days.

What do you think?