Saturday, June 9, 2007

Posh: 4th week over

The challenge is more than 1/2 way over. And what do I have to show for it? I looked at my "numbers" and got a bit frustrated. My lbs are up... almost as if they're sky rocketting...started nit-picking at my successes...probably I should focus on my food more, get a diet going, probably I should increase my cardio, probably I should do this or that... While some of the things I'm coming up with, are probably things I should start doing anyway, I think I want them to come from a more positive place. Came to a few conclusions.

1. Gonna keep charting my weight. Was ready to throw out the scale, but decided that it's data. Data is subject to interpretation.

2. Decided to increase my data bank. Took my measurements on Friday. And I was able to find my measurements from the begining of the blog that I had used for my virtual model (Although I hadn't measured arms and calves at that time). Below is my comparison, the second figure, being my current measurement.

Bust 46/45.5 *
Waist 44/44.25
Hips 47/47.6
Thighs 27/25.25*
Arms NA /14.3
calves NA/16.5

Noticed some loss in inches in a few places...=)

Also measured my body fat % earlier this week. 39%.

3. Reminded myself to focus on the non-quantifiable data. Like how my clothes have been fitting much better. The extra energy I have. Climbing stairs isn't a brush with death anymore. How exercise routines are becoming easier. The fact that I've stuck with an exercise routine for over 4 weeks!!! The muscle development that's taking place in my body.

4. Found that when I focused on number 3, my enthusiasm levels rose and I felt like I had a lot to show for the last 4 weeks!

5. Gonna see what data I can accumulate in the next 4 weeks!


Ginger said...

Work it girl. You're kicking butt on WOW + your positive attitude is a sure foundation for taking it to the next level...

PB - AFineBalance said...

Hang in there. I was sooooooo proud of you kick ass exercise effort. Focusing on all kinds of data is a good way to "keep your head in the right place".

I spoke to the trainer about you today and described to her what you have been doing. She told me (and those totally applies to me too) that there are three things to focus on to lose scale and/or body fat (my parapharse)

1. Exercise (right intensity, frequency, duration)

2. Diet (balanced)

3. Mind over matter

It's all an math equation to lost wt/body fat = burn more than calories than you take in.

Hang in there and when you're up to it you may want to evaluate your diet.