Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ginger: Uncle!

I just got back from Black Grad -YAY MIMI- and have no viable cardio option -very unfortunate since I needed that workout to get the maximum number of WOW points.

Now...if I had anticipated today's busy-ness (which wouldn't have been hard to do) I could've worked out on Thursday. Another forward thinking strategy would have been to hoard those free points. What can I say? When it comes to food + exercise, forward thinking is not my MO.

This dynamic is complicated by the fact that I'm putting a lot of energy into school stuff right now. Per my advisor, this trend has to continue! History clearly suggests that I can only go "all out" in one area at a time. If "losing" and "dissertating" go head to head, dissertating wins. I'm sort of ok with temporarily sucking it up (or in -ha ha) and adding a few more "L" tops and "12" pants to the wardrobe.

All that being said, I'm still committed to not gaining weight and emphasizing good choices. I'll see how this week feels, think about what a lower-key strategy might look like, decide on a routine, and check in again at the end of the WOW week.


PB - AFineBalance said...

Hang in there!!!! Sounds like a great opportunity to practice "balance". No need to buy the 12s. A true test that you will overcome.

Ginger said...

Thanks, I needed that!