Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Ginger: Toss Your Scale?

Last week I broke up with my scale. I still think that setting goals and tracking progress is important but "the number" was becoming an obsession. I just randomly came across this WebMD article that kind of makes sense to/for me...


PB - AFineBalance said...

I was having a similiar issue with my weekly WW Thu weigh-in (9:30 am). I would avoid food, water, and rearrange work schedule to make sure I could weigh in on the WW scale. Once I drove 30 minutes out of my way before a conference to go weigh in.
The WW 6:30 pm meeting is really more realistic for weigh in but I would obessess and eat minally all day. I wear the same clothes, similar underwear each week. Once they put a piece of bounty on the scale for when people weighed bare foot. I secretly kicked it off before my weigh in so that it would add weight. I repeat a piece of bounty! Before vacation I decided that I too was going to break up but with the WW scale but go to meetings for the accoutabilty. I still need to track my weight weekly because my inches/body fat % moves so slowly that I get discouraged. I am also an emotional eater - happy eat, angry eat, depressed eat - and I gain wt super fast i.e. 60 lbs last year. So I know I need to keep on eye my body wt.

I decided that the WW scale is not God and that my home scale is perfectly fine. I plan to casually weigh myself first thing Thu am and get on with my day! I will continue to track inches and body fat% lost monthly.

Because I have so far to go and I don't know what I will look like at a low weight, I set my goal wt at 128 (based on healthy body fat% calculations)but I plan to "wait and see" what my wt is at 24% body fat and take it from there. Hell I might be 150 and I may like my clothing size and that will be my goal.

All that is to say that I totally hear you but encourage you monitor a measure such as a body fat% goal so that even though you toss the scale you stay in a healthy range. I think you boy Dr Oz had some wisdom on that too?

Thanks for sharing this :-)

Ginger said...

Thanks -it's always good to hear how others are dealing with obsessive tendencies. At least I know I'm not the only one :-)

I like the fat analysis idea...I'll try to hit up one of the instructors at the Y for a freebie!

[Sidebar] I squeezed into one of my "old" size 10 jeans today :-) Emphasis on squeezed but hey, whatever. Anything that zips is fair game.

PB - AFineBalance said...

Cool. If not there I found a cheap hand held one for like $12 and they have the one's they use at the gym on amazon for a more hefty $40.

Sweet! Size 10 jeans baby!

Ginger said...

Good to know -although this is exactly the kind of product I'd go out and spend way too much $ on :-)

If the Y doesn't come through I'll save up for the good one. Also been wanting that heart rate monitor. Did I mention that I like gadgets? lol.

PB - AFineBalance said...

I hear ya! Heart rate monitor is sooooooooo worth it.