Friday, July 27, 2007

Ginger: Your Testimony

I posted these questions earlier as a comment...thought it'd be interesting to hear about each other's actual experiences. Here they are again:

Has God ever spoken to you?
How did it happen?
What did the experience teach you about communicating with God?


PB - AFineBalance said...

Has God Ever Spoken to you?
Yeah. Actually just on Wednesday.

How did it happen?
I had just finished reading a chapter in Battlefield and I wrote down the key thoughts in my prayer journal. The last thought was a question, a call for action/change. I was in a hurry to get dressed for work but I just read that you have listen for "the still small voice". So after saying a prayer I paused in silence. After a moment I felt impressed to spontaneously just write the thoughts being impressed upon me. First 3 action steps followed by a prayer of praise. It was cool. I knew that they were not my thoughts.

What did it teach me?
If I ask a question, I need to pause and listen for that "still small voice". Prayer is a two-way street. A prayer of praise celebrating God's magnificance is sooo powerful. Hallelujah!!

Ginger said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing that -very positive and encouraging.

djw said...

Has God ever spoken to you?

How did it happen?
A few different ways for me. I have three types of experiences that stand out but I'll share two here.

1. While living in BS, I had a moment one night where I was overcome with guilt. Kept doing the same thing over and over. Struggling with the same thing over the years. Was so discouraged and felt like I couldn't even look God in the eye. Didn't even know what to read in the Bible. Pleaded with God for him to just reach out just a little...I opened the Bible to Hebrews 4:16 and I literally felt a feeling of peace wash over me and I burst into tears cause I physically felt like God had given me a hug. Ever had that moment when you're crying and someone close to you wraps their arms around you and you just let go and you can feel your muscles relax? It was kinda like that but with a warm glowy feeling.... Haven't shared that experience with too many people...always felt like an intimate moment... and originally I felt like if I shared it, I'd feel silly ...but it's a special moment and memory for me.

2. Most recently with WOW2 and WOW3, I've been making concerted efforts to have quality time with God...sometimes I'd joke with myself and plan a "date" with God where there's no rush to go somewhere or do something. I'd put on some music, say a prayer and read a chapter or a text. As I pray, I ask God to help me let go of any baggage that I came with... I often feel myself relaxing... Then I'd read and then pause to reflect over a particular text...kinda rolling it around in my head, asking God what it means for me specifically. If I'm near a window, I may let my thoughts stray as I look around and then come back to the text. As I sit there praying and pondering, I get a "eureka" moment where it just kinda clicks. Like I'd have a clarity moment that sometimes seems so simple, I'd wonder why I hadn't seen it before. Always feel like those "click" moments are God talking to me. Sometimes the "click" moment takes a couple of days to come, sometimes it happens in one session.

What did the experience teach you about communicating with God?

It's important for me to set aside unrushed time to be with him. Can't just read something and rush off. Need to give God time to speak and let the Holy Spirit work with me. And I need to pray. Whenever I pray, whenever I talk to Him, He never fails and I get answers. My prayer journal is usually handy in slowing me down. I find that often when I take that unrushed time, I end up in a moment of praise. It's in one of those moments that I found Ps 18:1. It's become my little "thing" with God...=) I sometimes tack it on to the end of the prayer just like that... "Psalm 18:1, God!"

PB - AFineBalance said...


Ginger said...

Yeah, that's tight. Thanks.

djw said...

What have your experiences been like, Ginger?

Ginger said...

God has spoken to me through strong impressions, music, sermons, and, more recently the bible.

Sometimes, He directly answers a specific question. Other times, His words are unsolicited and tougher to swallow!

The messages range from a simple "I love you" to something more complex like, "You blew the GRE section that you're usually good at so that when you do get into grad school, you'll know that I put you there!" Occasionally they're even about other people, as in: "Don't be anxious about the relationship stuff that Posh is going through. It's all going to turn out ok." ;-)

I guess I'm learning that communication with God is a dynamic, ongoing process and that, if I listen, I can hear him in lots of different places.