Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sporty: Centering Prayer

I just finished reading a chapter in Battlefield of the Mind that asks the question - When is your mind normal? Joyce describes normal as a state of peaceful readiness to be able to hear the "still small voice" of the Holy Spirit. So a "normal" Christian mind is free from "clutter" and is ready to recieve insight/messages.

This got me thinking about a prayer style I heard about in that Bible class I took a couple months ago called Centering Prayer or Contemplative Prayer. Here's a link.

What do you think about this type of prayer?

Do you see a role for Christian meditation?

Do you think that there is a legitimate gift of tongues today?

1 comment:

djw said...

Interesting. Gonna have to look at it a little closer to give a response. Will be back with a thought...