Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ginger: The Bottom Line [Aug 2-Aug 8]

(-1) EAT: "5" a day. NO -5 days.
(+1) STOP: Eat meals + snacks before 8pm. NO-4 days.
(+1) LIFT: 2 strength training workouts. YES-3 workouts.
(+2) MOVE: 2 cardio workouts. YES-6 workouts.
(NC) DRINK: 32 oz water a day. NO-4 days.
(NC) SLEEP. Get to bed by 10 pm. NO-0 days.

I'm struggling with the sleep goal. Been watching lots of late-night TV. Very happy with with this week's workouts...optimistic about bringing the "stop" and "drink" up a bit. I ignored my water bottle this week and the difference was clear. I'm more likely to get drink enough water when I keep it washed, filled, carry it around etc. In fact, let me go do that right now!


PB - AFineBalance said...

Great job with bringing your exercise up a notch. Keep going the rest will come.

spice said...

Spice says...

I also struggled with the water bottle this week. It is easy for me to ignore my thirst and when I get busy I don't stop to drink. About 3-4 times this week I started to drink my 6 glasses of water from say 5/6 pm. It was the worst. For some reason I could not drink large quantities at a given time. So I stayed up to drink water. At one point I thought I had filled my stomach with water and it would come out my eyes. I felt weird pulsations around my temples and thought that by drinking so much water in a short space of time that I had unduly raised my blood pressure due to increased volume of water and something bad might happen. Then I started to will my kidneys to work so they would fill my bladder and I could go pee. I finished drinking water at 11:05 that night. And you know what I did not learn my lesson. I did the same thing the next day but did not feel so sick.