Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sporty: Response to Maintaining Vs. Losing

Ginger, I'm really glad you decided to spotlight this question. I think the key difference between maintaining and losing weight is the level of EFFORT. For me effort has been making the decision to make the effort to lose weight and then creating a plan to support the effort.

What does that look like for me?

1. Mindset - prioritize weight loss plan

2. Diet - have a specific eating plan

3. Exercise - have a specific exercise plan

4. Accountability - monitor implementation of the plan

5. Support - seek and give support

6. Goal - pick a goal weight and realistic date to achieve it

At the end of day though, all weight loss plans come down to science and attitude. Regardless of the plan I choose, I have to burn more calories than I consume. To do so I have to make weight loss a priority and have a plan that is specific.

Hope this helps.


Ginger said...

Great points. Reminds of that Person #1 vs. Person #2 article that you posted a while back...

PB - AFineBalance said...

Yeah totally person 2. Some behaviors I associate with success include - grocery shopping, planning meals night before, planning exercise night before, setting a target weight loss of the month or week, keeping healthy food in car, work, purse and weekly weigh-in, food diary, exercise diary, putting my goals out there.