Nothing tends more to promote health of body and of soul than does a spirit of gratitude and praise...It is a law of nature that our thoughts and feelings are encouraged and strengthened as we give them utterance. While words express thoughts, it is also true that thoughts follow words. If we would give more expression to our faith, rejoice more in the blessings that we know we have - the great mercy and love of God -we should have more faith and greater joy.
Ellen White, The Ministry of Healing, pp. 251-253

I pulled this quote from a shorter article whose author goes on to say:
Our words not only reveal our inner character; they shape it. Let your mouth be filled with praise. Let your lips express thanks to God for His goodness. Watch how praise pulverizes your discouraging feelings. Praise is one of God's mighty weapons to overcome the enemy. Praise is a weapon we cannot afford to be without.
Mark Finley, Solid Ground, p. 139
Praise. The most powerful weapon against fatigue of any kind -diet, dissertation, and life!
I just wanted to wish you ladies the best of luck. You have made for some interesting and slightly funny reading. Keep up the good work and, if it helps, try not to look at diets as diets. it's a slight change in eating habits. As long as you keep up the excercise and keep the calorie intake between 1500-1800 (which is pretty adequate enough to eat things you enjoy), you goals will be reached in no time. Plus, you have each other for support. It makes it a lot easier to have someone else caring enough to keep on you. Anyway, keep it up and you'll have 7 1/2 times the success that you hoped for. Bye.
Thank you so much Professor!!
Ginger, you are so right about the being the right frame mind. Mind over matter. As a man thinketh... as so on.
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