Friday, March 2, 2007

Mimi:Need Some New Inspiration

I'm excited to borrow some inspiration from the group. That essay Ginger posted seems like forever ago!! There's nothing worse to have gotten something than to lose it again. I feel like that with my eating and exercise. I was HARD CORE...lost that 100 lbs with Weight Watchers, worked the program. Not so much now. I've gained about half of it back. YIKES! Dissertation writing is KILLING me...or not dissertation writing and eating instead is killing me. I finally got back on the scale on Saturday after avoiding it for the last month. I'm determined that the number on the scale is the highest it's going to be. No more gaining. My plan is to get back to Weight Watchers on Saturday. That's my incentive to eat a little better this week and hopefully have a jump start before getting back on the "official" scale.


Ginger said...

I see you! You're bringing "hard core" back!

djw said...

Goooooooooooo Weight Watchers!!!!

PB - AFineBalance said...

If you did once you can do it again. Go Mimi! Right there with ya!