Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sporty: Flexible Restraint

What does flexible restraint mean to you? Found this info on the Weight Watchers website.

"Developing the skill of flexible restraint, which is the ability to put a moderate level of control on your eating, is important to weight-loss success. The key is to find the balance between control and flexibility in an eating plan that is not so rigid that it is impossible to stick with.

Finding an eating approach that works is key to weight-loss success. Whatever approach is used, there are some fundamental food choices essential for good health and nutrition:
*Include at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.
*Have at least 2 servings of milk; 3 if you are a teen or over 50 yrs.
*Drink at least 6 glasses of water.
*Get a serving or two of a protein-rich food.
*Take a multiple vitamin-mineral supplement.
*Limit added sugars and alcohol.
*Have 2 tsps of healthy oil, like olive, canola, sunflower, safflower, or flaxseed.
*Choose whole-grain foods whenever possible."

Balance .... once again this issue is highlighted for me.

Flexible restraint = Balance.


djw said...

good article! now i just need to find that fine balance of flexible restraint....=)

Ginger said...

I'm starting to wonder if some personalities are more naturally "balanced" than others. I usually find myself tipping toward ultra rigid or completely lax -in everything, not just food. Flexible restraint seems like a good principle for life in general...thanks!