Monday, March 26, 2007

Scary: Indegestion & Accountability

So anyhoo, I am comitted to checking in one time per week but also want to check in when I am on a downhill trend. Last week was great. This week (as in the first day of the 2ND week!) not so great... I am well within my points no binges or anything but I began the day not really hungry and skipped a properly planned/sit down lunch. So by the visit to my grandma's house and dinner I was eating sweet bread and indian food like it was going out of style. I ate way to late... should have followed Red's lead and skipped the late dinner (he and Ginger are visiting us this week) so now I am up with Indigestion at 5 in the AM... and the kids will be up in an hour... I'll be feeling sick and exhausted and I should know better. Haven't had a bout of indegestion in months... So the lessons learned for me are.. 1. Do not eat past 7pm (especially not Indian food) 2. Do not eat any out food that is not preplanned and precounted (I stay within points when I preplan how much I will eat) 3. Even when I am not hungry eat regular meals/snacks (because it will come back to bite me in the butt later)


djw said...

Wanted to put something clever and witty here, but can't think of anything..."We learn from our indigestion..." That's all I came up with (hardly an epitomy of cleverness)...But I learned from mine on Friday Night AND Last Night...clearly it wasn't as bad as yours, but it was that feeling of heart burn that I knew could only follow the after 7pm curry eating... Hang in there...and look at it this way...Even though you may be in a bit of physical aren't *ingesting* any calories!!

PB - AFineBalance said...

Great recovery plan. :-)

Ginger said...

Yes, eating went awry that day for real. Sorry that I wasn't paying more attention. Good lessons though. It'll probably be easier to put them into practice now that your house guests are gone :-)