Sunday, March 25, 2007

Scary: Week 2

Starting Weight:

Current Weight:

Weight Lost:
1.4 lbs

Weight Gained:

Goals For Week:
Write Down All Foods (Even on Saturday!)
Stay Within Points
Weigh In Next Sunday
Minimize Use Of Bonus Points (Try to save all/most until Saturday)

Ultimate Goal:
Get to 200 Ilbs

Dream Goal:
Get to 150 lbs

Challenges Experienced Week 1:
Some hungry nights where I was determined not to use any bonus points... and not tracking carefully on Saturday because I knew I had bonus points.

Anticipated Challenges For Week 2:
Maintaining the drive on week 2. The first week tends to be easier. Here we go...

Reflections On Results:
Happy that I lost but feeling slightly disappointed that it was only 1.4lbs (didn't know I would have this issue). I think in the back of my mind I was hoping for a bigger first week loss to give me the drive for week 2. The truth is though I would be happy if I could just maintain losing 1 lb per week. The only thing that panicks me is the thought that I may lose only one per week and then gain 5 in one week! Undoing the last 5 weeks (as my past indicates is likely). This thought is going to have to be incentive to stay on track at all times... can't afford any big gains if I am losing slowly. But I'll be very happy to lose slowly and consistently... they say that's healthy right? After all this rambling I guess I am pretty happy with the outcome of this week... I am going to embrace my losses and change the trends of my past. Consistency... that is what we are going for this time around.


PB - AFineBalance said...

Yay! You can do this. Stick with healthy patterns and the results will come. You can do this :-)

Ginger said...

Yes -great start! Slow and steady wins the race. I'm all late with the comments...trying to catch up :-)