Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Ginger: Red

Today I gotta give a shout out to Red.

I was committed to going to the Y this AM -but not really feelin' it. You know how it goes right? I was running a little behind schedule...getting dressed very slowly...stalling with random chores. Anyway, somewhere in there, I called Red to see how he was doing.
Red: (casual) "So, what're you doing?"

Me: (trying to sound committed) "I'm going to the Y...20 minutes of cardio today."
Red: (perks up) "Yeah? Why don't you come over? We can work out together."

Me: (now genuinely interested) Oh, ok! I'll see you in a few.
There's a very fine line between support and nagging. Red has always struck this balance perfectly. He raises the bar on diet and exercise BUT he's not above the occasional gelato run. Now he will call me out if the gelato run comes right after a big meal + rich dessert -and that's great. Sometimes I need a "sweet tooth" reality check. Even better? He's super low-key and practical about body image...totally supports a "natural" look. It helps me to stop obsessing about the superficial stuff and focus on the goals that really count.

Thanks Red!


Mimi said...

Go Red, go!!

*sigh* One day my prince will come. *grin*

Ginger said...

LOL. See you at BodyPump!

Mimi said...

So I didn't make Bodypump, but I DID park at the farthest lot today and walked to our building.

Ginger said...

Ok, let's try it again. See you at BodyPump!