Friday, March 2, 2007

Posh: Super-Heroes and all that jazz...

I want to dedicate this blog to someone

Dear Someone,

Thanks so much for having my back. It’s almost like you’re a super-hero with that ever-watchful-eye power thing you have going. Thanks for monitoring my food intake at suppertime, yesterday. If it weren’t for you, I probably wouldn’t have had a clue as to what went in my mouth! And I love, love how you just rely on subtleties…not like other super-heroes, like Spiderman or Superman who display their powers with a grandstand approach, inclusive of poses and body hugging costumes. You don’t do much to draw attention to yourself; you just do what has to be done. Like when I took my second plate of food and you sat up to see what I had on it…all you did was raise an eyebrow and shrug your shoulders. No grandstanding, no background music. Or when I had some soda with my meal all you did was sigh loudly and shake your head…Any other super-hero would have been doing jumps and kicks, ready for action…But you… you hold the course steady…. I like how you stepped it up a notch when I took that last forkful of spaghetti from the pot as I passed by to put my dish in the sink…showed that your subtleties don’t equate passiveness. You can kick ass if you have too. That firm tone with the “Can’t you even try to have some self-control? Just a little bit? Can’t you exercise some control over what goes in your mouth??” That was a real attention grabber, especially with you doing it all in one super-breath! Amazing! Oh, and that x-ray vision to see through what I was saying about not having lunch to actually know that I was eating all day! Even more amazaing! I think about ALL the things you could be doing with these powers to fight crime and save the world, but yet you focus them on me! Thanks again!!



Mimi said...

Posh, I hear you. I know I've had several "someones" in my life. The problem with being overweight is that our struggles are visible for all to see. If we were having secret affairs, downloading porn, embezzling money from the job, none of those things show up on the hips or thighs. But with visibility comes peoples' feelings of entitlement to comment and offer "suggestions".

Sadly, I find these suggestions often make me want to go out and order the super-sized meal. *sigh*

djw said...

Exactly!!! I had to fight against my initial reaction to go have a meal-sized snack! I worked through it though!!

Ginger said...

Proud of you!

PB - AFineBalance said...

Remember it's your thighs not hers! You can this.