Saturday, March 17, 2007

Posh: I'm walking away the pounds!

So, me and Leslie Sansone are the best of friends now. She doesn't quite know it but we are. This week I gave myself a goal of exercising 5 times max for the week and 3 minimum. Had made this goal two weeks before. One week I got 3 days in. Next week nothing. Both weeks I felt like I had fallen short of the main goal- 5days of exercise. Gave myself the challenge again this week but didn't want to see it typed in print (hence no previous post) for fear that I wouldn't make goal again. But I gathered some inspiration from all of you and from my skinny sister who helped me take my measurements and set me on a plan. 2 weeks of regular Walk Away The Pounds and then 3rd week I'll add weights to the work out. So now we have to pause for me to go on and on about this DVD.

For anyone, who finds exercising hard, or can't get to a gym or is trying to start walking/jogging and needs help starting, Walk Away The Pounds is the way to go. It's gentle, easy to follow with simple ways of adding intensity. I've done other DVD workouts before and a lot of times I could barely make it through-- intensity out of my heart's league or the steps to complicated for my coordination levels...I'd end up feeling like a heart attack was on it's way or frustrated that I couldn't keep up, either feeling leading to a seat on the couch. Leslie is friendly, warm, funny and always feel like you're doing ok. If you have to keep at a low intensity, she lets you know that what you're doing is a way better than sitting on the couch so just keep doing it. AND she has this walk away the pounds club online! You get 5 minute clips to walk with at your desk in the office! Great stuff! At least it works for me! 2lbs down and 8 more to go for my Below 200 goal!


Ginger said...

Very cool. I'm glad that you found something that works for you. Congrats on your active week!

PB - AFineBalance said...

That's great! Leslie is awesome. Low-impact, easy on the knees and back and calorie burning!! Keep going girl.