Friday, December 28, 2007
Posh: How Much Are You Willing To Lose?
Comments? Reflections?
Posh: Year End Report
This week, Scary left me a panicked message that made me suck my breath in really fast-- she was over her begining weight. Oh dear, I thought. I felt her frustration and secretly knew I could be in the same position. I hadn't been on the scale in a few weeks though and didn't really want to.
I reflected over my year. This was the year, I learned the difference between maintaining and losing weight. I learned the body changing effects of strength exercises... I saw my body changing... I felt my endurance building...This was the year of "Challenges"!
I got on the scale this morning. I got back on again. Finally, a third time.
I'm 210lbs. Depending on how I stand on the scale though, I can be either 210.2 or 209.8.
I started the year at 210lbs.
If I look at the numbers, the year seems circular. And not a very large circle at that. But you know what? I haven't lost my "new found" muscles. They're still there reminding me of what can still be mine. I still have my memories of my oxygen high moments and the great diet days to keep the goal alive. I still have a couple of laughs left at all the different mind games, and mottos and ditties I used to try and get me up for the day. And I know next year, I'll have even more.
Let's go girls! 2008 awaits us!! Regroup and get ready to fight again!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sporty: Week 46(12/27/07)
Update for "How Much Are You Willing To Lose"
Initial: 248 (Feb)
Start: 220 (Aug -212; Sept - 206; Oct - 207; Nov - 210)
Current: Dec - 219 (1 lb lost)
Total lbs lost since Feb 07 = 29 lbs
Looking ahead to 2008, I plan to be lighter than I am now and pray that we are ALL healthier, lighter and wiser!!!!!! Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sporty: Week 45 (12/20/07)
How's everyone doing? 2007 is quickly coming to an end and I thought it would be helpful of each of us to post on the things that went WELL this year. From our conversations, I know that we are not where we hoped we would be but at the same time it is clear that we have made progress. Let's celebrate the progress/success we have had this year!!
Last week:
Current Wt: 216 (3lb gain from last weigh-in)
Exercise: 2x
Diet: Followed no specific plan
This week:
Exercise: 3x
Diet: Stay within the hunger comfort zone
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Sporty: Week 43 (12/6/07)
Diet: No plan
Exercise: 1 x
Next week:
Vacation - moderate eating and exercise
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sporty: Week 42 (11/29/07)

What an eventful day -- Baby M was born this morning and I made it to end of my 3 day fast! Weighed in at 210 (-6lbs ). Today I am transitioning off the fast and I have to drink diluted orange juice to prepare my body for food. I'm not physically hungry but I feel like I should be in my head? Anyways, planning to do low carb eating for 1 week then I'm off to vacation where I hope to eat in moderation and exercise.
For next week:
Diet - Low carb
Exercise - 5x
Update for How much are you willing to lose
Initial: 248
Start: 220 (Aug -212; Sept - 206; Oct - 207 )
Current: Nov - 210
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sporty: Master Cleanse Day 3
Did salt water flush -- again a lot of flushing. Don't recommend if you can't be at home better to use the herbal laxative tea. Plan to end fast tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sporty: Master Cleanse Day 2
cramps around dinner time
not really hungry or really tempted
felt sick
exercised spintensity
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sporty: Master Cleanse Day 1
salt water flush was a true flush. Literally had to RUN to the bathroom. Recommend starting on a weekend or when you could be home. Otherwise it requires "DEPENDS" to be safe.
I did it!
Shout out to Sporty who keeps the weight loss perserverance alive.
After our convo today I committed to exercising today at 4:30pm
At 4:38pm I said "Oh snap!" and I jumped up. I said, no thinking, do whatever it takes. It's surprising what simple things could be deterents. Didn't bother to look for socks and shoes...decided to barefoot it...went with the first dvd I saw (Abs Diet) water bottle nearby, so I grabbed a cup and got started. Paused in the second routine to put on my new workout clothes I'd bought months ago.
Focused on the wall and just went for it. I was a bit off.
When he hopped, I squated. When he squated, I hopped.
When he jumped, I jacked. When he jacked, I jumped.
When he jogged, I walked.
When he bounced, I flounced.
But I stuck it out. It felt great. I feel good.
Gonna focus on one day at time. Exercise as many days as I can during the week.
New motto: What have I got to lose except calories and fat?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sporty Week 41 (11/25/06)***
Can you believe that there are only 5 weeks left until the end of the year!!!! I had envisoned that I would be in a completely different place right now but reality says otherwise.
I didn't get a chance to blog or weigh-in on Thu (Thanksgiving Day) so I weighed in this morning -- 216. Yeah I know -- the steady climb continues :-(. Clearly, there is no healthy way that I can lose 17 lbs in 5 weeks to get to Onderland by Dec 31st. So, at this point I am hoping to end year at my lowest weigh-in of 206 lbs. To get there (lose 10lbs) is a bit unrealistic as I will be traveling for 3 of 5 remaining weeks. However, I find that setting a goal is always a good thing so I will try for it. I feel the need to do something drastic to kick-start the process so I'm allowing myself to fall into "fad diet" mode. I've decided to try the Master Cleanse (Lemonade Diet) for a couple days. The goal of course is to get back to doing weight watchers but I'm not there yet. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Ginger: Turkey Trot

Happy Thanksgiving!
We came in under the 60 minute mark. There's another local race on January 1st. I think I'm gonna enter and try to take it up a notch. Also, here's a picture from our lunch.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Ginger: Just Fine
Friday, November 16, 2007
Ginger: Another frou frou product
FAGE yogurt.
For a while now, I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to acquire a taste for plain, nonfat yogurt. With this brand, I think I've finally turned the corner. The 2% version -close enough to nonfat for me- was still "un-sweet" but super rich and creamy.
A half cup of low fat granola took it up a notch. I'll bet fruit and/or a touch of some kind of sweetener would be even better...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sporty: Week 40 (11/15/07)
Last week:
Weight: 212.5 (gain of 1.5)
Exercise: 3x (3x cardio, 2x strength)
Diet: Followed no plan
Journal: 4 days (partial)
This week:
Exercise: 5x (5x cardio, 2x strength)
Diet: Follow WW points
Journal: All foods
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Ginger: When the Panic Fades [Dissertation Edition]
That kind of advice is usually good for at least three days of panic (productive) followed by constant low-grade anxiety (not productive). I thought I'd follow my own advice to Scary.
When the panic fades, I will remind myself that God brought me here. That truth is my antidote for "overwhelming and scary" and my motivation to make good choices!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sporty: Week 39 (11/08/07)
Feb 8, 07 - 248 lbs
Nov 8, 07 - 211 lbs
Total loss - 37 lbs
Scary: When The Panic Fades
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Ginger: Calling All Frogs

I think we're all grateful for the talents -specific gifts- that God has given to us. The downside is that these strengths often play out unconsciously. They don't teach us much about striving...perseverance...commitment.
It's the stuff that doesn't come naturally that'll take us to a whole new level. In one sense, this kind of growth is deeply personal. It happens (or not) as we make choices. One choice may not seem like a big deal. Collectively, over time, they define us.
At the same time, our decisions aren't just about us. They also send messages to other people. For example, I know that when you are on, I'm inspired. When you're off, the bar feels lower. Who are the other friends, family members, co-workers, and kids(!) in our spheres of influence? What are we giving to them right now?
Success is great. In some ways, I think trying -as in sincere and dedicated effort- is equally powerful. Sure we care about our health outcomes, but the process of stretching beyond our comfort zones is also a gift to ourselves and to each other.
Never give up!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Ginger: Tennis Class
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Ginger: #833
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Sporty: Week 38 (11/01/07)
Onderland is a bit lost in the fog but I hope to get to the clearing....
It is only when you stop trying that you fail....I'm still trying.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Ginger: 5.6 Earthquake
1. Duck
2. Find safe cover and hold
-Keep away from windows
-Keep away from shelving
3. Evacuate if safe (use your judgment)
-Use stairways, never use elevators
4. Go to your Emergency Assembly Point
-Report missing persons to the leader
Ok, somewhat helpful. What's up with the "use your judgment" clause though? My instinctive response (to all natural disasters) involves crawling into a bathtub. They're calling it a moderate quake. No major damage or injuries reported. According to the news, "the odds of another earthquake [of similar size] diminish as the hours go by."
Good to know.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ginger: Exodus 15
One of the lines, "The Lord is a warrior" is my new mantra. It comes in handy at least once a day. It's so empowering to know that we serve a warrior God who does battle on our behalf.
Here's another section that I like a lot: "In your love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling." God doesn't leave us at the shore. He continues to we're right where he wants us.
Reading these verses makes me want to crank up Fred Hammond's "Show Yourself Strong" at full volume. In fact, I think I'm gonna do just that!
Done! I made it all the way through the prayer.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Ginger: A Doing Partner or Two
Today is one of those days.
I'm looking for a few local "doing" partners -folks who support me in doing "the next right thing" without getting into the storyline of it all. I'll let you know how this search turns out!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Ginger: Like Wildflowers
One minute she was sitting at the table with all of us. The next minute, paramedics were picking her up off the floor. She is young. Fit. A wife. A mom. So far the reports on her condition are not great. Please pray for her and for their family.
Then there's the whole California Burning thing.
It hasn't been a real upbeat week. It was the kind of week that brings verses like these (from Psalm 103) into focus: "Men and women don't live very long; like wildflowers they spring up and blossom, But a storm snuffs them out just as quickly...God's love though, is ever and always, eternally present to all who fear him."
Now there's something worth organizing our short lives around.
The memorial service is scheduled for Saturday, November 2. Please keep the family in your prayers. I'm sure it's going to be a tough day.
In lieu of sending flowers, well-wishers can donate to a fund for her daughter. An account has been set up at the Stanford Credit Union, P.O. Box 10690, Palo Alto, CA 94303-0843. Checks should be made payable to Brian Emery with reference to sub-account “Syouthsub1”.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sporty: Week 37 (10/25/07)
This week:
1. Exercise 5x
2. Journal foods
3. Decide on and committ to a food plan (by next Thu )
4. Focus on mini-goal of losing 10lbs (by last Thu in Nov)
5. Limit eating out - subway or salads w/ lf dressing
6. Grocery Shop
Update for "How much are you willing to lose" (NB goal changed to 198)
Initial: 248
Start: 220 (Aug -212; Sept - 206))
Current (Oct) : 207
Gained 1 lb since last update (9 lbs to go)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sporty: Putting it in the atmosphere
There I said -- I put it in the atmosphere.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ginger: New Hard Drive

My mom recently suggested that I back up my research data. She may not be tech savvy, but she is one of THE most practical people that I know.
She's also fast-acting, which gave me the extra motivation (and financing) that I needed to stop procrastinating. On Friday, I bought the Maxtor OneTouch 4 Mini.
I love it! It's small, it has more than enough space to house my files, and it's easy to use. I no longer live in fear of computer theft or malfunction.
Thanks Mom.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Ginger: It Ain't Pretty

Here's what one review had to say:
A look at fat from the inside out? Another exhibit that has caused much audience reaction is "Suicide by Fat: Obesity Revealed." This display features the internal organs and fatty flesh of a 300-pound man who died from heart failure at age 50. According to Body Worlds, this man's heart became so enlarged from his obesity that it wasn't able to supply his body with continual blood flow. Still, the most shocking part of this display is that the obese man's organs are contrasted with those of a 120-pound man. And the differences are dramatic. For instance, layers of fat engulfed the organs of the obese man, while the slim man's organs were covered by thin tissue. According to Dana Morrisey, a 22-year-old woman who toured the Body World exhibit in Chicago, "[The obesity exhibit] was a case of reality bites. When I saw the obesity specimen, I knew that I would end up like that if I didn't make some changes."Um, yeah. This view puts a habit like "sucking in my gut" into its proper perspective. Limited at best...
I'm totally buying the post card.
Ginger: Tofutti Pint
"Those things [exercise, meditation, and sex] increase beta-endorphin in the brain. "It's the natural morphine-like substance and you absolutely need it for mood modulation. And if you don't get it naturally through meditation, exercise or sex, you will get it abnormally through drugs and alcohol and sugar. You're going to go for pleasure because your body needs to have pleasure. You need it. But I'd much rather have you get it deliberately in healthy doses." I know why I just ate that pint of Tofutti!
Ginger: 5K on November 4
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Ginger: Test Dates
Age 12
Blood pressure test and, for men, testicular exam
Age 20
Cholesterol test
Age 21
For women, gynecology exam and pap smear (get tested earlier if sexually active)
Age 35
Blood sugar, anemia and thyroid exams
Sporty: Week 36/Month 9 (10/18/07)
This week:
1. Get groceries
2. Exercise - go to spintensity, see trainer
3. Go back to Jenny Craig and get foods
4. Journal foods
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Ginger: Lucky Numbers
The doctor reminded me to schedule a "Well Woman Annual Exam," endorsed my weight loss efforts, and said to check back in about 3 months. He was a little stumped by my "inexplicably low" triglyceride count which, in turn, [probably] made the calculated LDL look a little high. In general, here's how the numbers came out...
Me: 26.1 (Overweight)
Normal Range: 18.5-24.9
Blood Pressure
Me: 110 systolic + 70 diastolic
Normal Range: <120 systolic + <80 diastolic
Total Cholesterol
Me: 198
Normal Range:<200 mg/dL
Fasting Glucose
Me: 87
Normal Range: 70-100 mg/dL
Monday, October 15, 2007
Ginger: Support System & Prayer
First, I have to give thanks to my extended family who just kicked in the funding to outsource the last of my transcription. I have roughly 30 interviews so we're talking a four-figure number. With their help, I'll get a jump start on coding and analysis. This is clearly an answer to Sporty's prayer on Friday and the ongoing prayers of my small group. Thanks guys! outsourcing, I'm sacrificing the in-depth listening that I'd be doing if I transcribed these files myself. It's a trade-off that I'm willing to make (given my time line). Please join me in praying that: (i) turnaround will be quick, (ii) the transcripts will need little to no editing by me, (iii) I will stay "connected" to the data and move efficiently through the coding and analysis phase.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Posh: I'm looking for a Theme Song
But I need a theme song. Looking for a theme song to get me through the end of this weight-loss year. Any suggestions?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sporty: Week 35 (10/11/07)
This week:
1. Eat Jenny Craig approved foods
2. Exercise 3x
3. Track foods eaten
4. Focus on mind training -- to return to "on" mode.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Ginger: Butternut Squash & Sage Soup
* 1 large onion, chopped (about 2 cups)
* 2 butternut squashes, peeled, seeded and cut into 1-inch chunks
* 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh sage, plus 8 to 18 leaves for garnish
* 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
* Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
* Vegetable oil, for frying
In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and cook until translucent, 8 to 10 minutes. Add squash; cook 5 more minutes. Add chopped sage and broth; bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low and cook until squash is very tender, about 30 minutes. With an immersion blender, puree soup until smooth (or puree in small batches in a food processor fitted with knife blade). Season to taste with salt and pepper.
In a small pan, heat 1/2 inch vegetable oil until hot. Drop sage leaves in about 3 at a time and fry until just crisp; remove to a paper-towel-lined plate. Serve soup hot, garnished with 2 or 3 sage leaves per bowl.
taken from October 2007 issue of O Magazine
--Ginger's Notes--
-Packaged squash works just fine + cuts down on the prep time.
-If you have leftovers, try reheating them with a splash of apple cider.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Posh: Oct 4th- Oct10th
Sporty: Week 34 (10/04/07)
This week pointed out just how easy it is to "relapse". Constant diligence is required. This is my cross to bear. Working on getting back on track. Going to need to take it down a notch (will need to pause on ten for ten & last lap).
This week:
1. Journal Foods
2, Stay within points
3. Go to a WW meeting
4. Exercise 5x
To adopt Posh's mantra: Praying for a little umph, umph!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Sporty: Bad Start
Breakfast: Protein Shake
Snack: Fruit
Lunch: Protein Shake
Snack: McDonalds - cone, sm fries, 4 mcnuggets, diet coke
Dinner: Papa Johns - 4 slices, KFC - 1 wing, Diet coke - tried to get a Coke but they were out
*Didn't plan, got hungry, said F*** it, tired, a bit overwhelmed
*Didn't exercise. Cancelled PT session for tomorrow.
*Had 2 key moments to make different decisions and salvage but chose not to. No bonus points left.
**Sprayed leftover pizza and chicken with bleach.**
Tomorrow will be better!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Food Log Sept 27 to Oct 3
Slice of Toast--2
2 teaspoons peanutbutter--1.5
1-2tsp jam--.5
Piece of Coconut Bake--3
Thin slice of cheese--2
8 oz sprite--2
1 1/2 cups mac and cheese-13.5
1/2 cup baked beans--3
1/2 cup corn--1
Total: 28.5
Weekly Pt Values left: 32.5
See comments for food log updates
Sporty: Week 33 (09/27/07)
Last Week:

Struggled alot this week with staying on track and motivated. Work was crazy and it turns out that I had major PMS. I'd like to publicly apologize to the poor Comcast customer service lady who was the unfortuntate victim of a PMS mood swing. Work deadlines, little sleep, stress eating and PMS - a really bad combination. Next week will be better.
This Week:
1. Priortize health. Stay focused. Stay on track
2. Stay within pts
3. Go to the gym
4. Journal all foods
5. Last Lap I
Update for "How much are you willing to lose"
Initial: 248
Start: 212 (220)
Current: 206
Removed since last update: 6lbs (14 lbs) /18lbs to go
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A lil' bit a umph, umph
The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!
That's my mantra for right now. Well I've modified it to the title of this post: "A lil bit a umph, umph!" I'm gonna see if I can put a little bit more umph each week. Still struggling. No exercise this week. No healthy guidelines. Have a food log with random WW points. Gonna find some umph for next week!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sporty: Ten for Ten

For the Month of October (10 for 10):
1. Stop wholegrains, bread, potatoes, pasta after 3 pm
2. Eliminate sugar
3. Eliminate soda
4. Stop dairy - milk, cheese (Exception protein shakes made with dairy)
5. Stop eating after 8 pm (Eat after 8, pack on the weight)
6. Follow the Good Health Guidelines
7. Eat a minimum of 3 servings of protein daily
8. Stay within the hunger comfort zone
9. Eat a minimum of 5 meals daily
10. Have 1 "free day" each week
What did I agree to? LOL!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
That's a decrease on both.
Diet starts this week. I'm counting points.=)
Sporty: Posh let's go to Onderland

Sporty: Week 32/Month 8 (09/20/07)
Last Week:
Lost 3.5 to surpass mini goal 208 (40lbs). Thank you God! Achieved all but 1 goal - made it to the gym but burnt less calories than planned - but made it to the gym. Next wt goal 203 (45 lbs).

This Week:
1. Last Lap I
2. Burn 2800 calories (28 AP)
3. Earn 6 bonus pts through devotions w/ journalling
4. Stay within daily pts target 4 of 7 days
5. Stay focused. Prioritize healthy habits.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Hanging In There- Part 2
I remember reading a commentary on the story about Jesus visiting the temple at the age of 12. How His mother “lost” him and spent 3 days looking for Him before she found Him. The author was pointing out how this story parallels our spiritual experiences. She said that our drift away from Christ can be so casual that we don’t even notice…caught up in the hub -bub of our day or of our lives we “lose” Christ and then suddenly we wonder what happened. She pointed out that often times it takes longer to re-find him than it does to lose him. And sometimes it’s more difficult, that road back to God. I’ve found that to be true in my life. I’ll be on a nice routine, devotions in the morning or before bed, nice focus on spiritual things, enjoyable prayer time…a busy day comes along and I think I’ll be ok to skip it this once…before I know it I’m looking back over time wondering how I skipped so many before realizing I was skipping most? And then getting back in the routine always seems like swimming against the current.
Found this concept true for my weight-loss experience. The road back always seems harder and longer and I wonder how I ever stopped…
Ginger: Mr. Sandman
Anyway, thumbs up on a regular bedtime. I've noticed that it really sets the tone (good or bad) for the next day. It's partly about being rested but I think the practice of shutting down at a regular hour also helps because it interrupts the script that I had in place before. I'm not up to date on Frasier or Will and Grace but hey, a lot more work is getting done!
Sporty: Motivation
Jim Eason:
If you want to look young and thin, hang around old fat people.
Vince Lombardi:
It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up.
Benjamin Franklin:
You may delay, but time will not.
The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.
The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!
You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.
The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Sporty: Week 31 (09/13/07)
Whew! Made it through this week. Used all 35 bonus pts on various bday celebration foods (macaroni pie, corn roast, bussupshot, pone). It was a close call - but I've been trying the personal hunger zone thing and it has really helped with overeating. Go weight watchers. Compensated with exercise (32 ap/3200 c). Lost 2.5.

This Week:
Anyways, "psyching" myself up for this week. Nervous about the work/healthy living balance bit. Have some pressing work deadlines but telling myself that health is more important than work. Worked out a plan for alternate exercise times, etc.
1. Stay focused. Stay balanced. Stay on track.
2. Journal all foods
3. Stay within pts
4. Earn 5 bonus pts
5. Last Lap I
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hanging In There....
I'm tired.
I want to exercise.
I want to cook my CORE foods.
It just takes so much energy.
Finally got up and exercised on Tuesday evening.
Felt so great to be up and moving.
Instantly brought back good feelings of my high points of exercise.
Had to slow down half way through the routine.
Got a headache. Too much too fast. Should have chosen a milder routine for my comeback.
Think Britney should have done that too.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Ginger: Work and Exercise
Sporty: Hangin in?
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Ginger: WOW 3 Results
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Sporty: Week 30 (09/06/07)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Sporty: You've got to check this out

This book was written for us. I'm still reading it, but I had to put it down - to blog - to ask everyone to check it out. Body for Life for Women, is a refinement on the original Bill Phillips book but with a gender-specific focus. It talks about a plan of action for each hormonal milestone we're facing. For example we're all in milestone 2: The reproductive years. Alot of this stuff we already know, but it is presented with a fresh, research based, real-world tested, woman focused approach.
More to follow but just had to let you know. Find this book - seriously.
Sporty: Bonus pts for Last Lap I, etc
The plan -
- Diet Plan - WW points
- Bonus pts - Devotion w/ journaling
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Ginger: Calling All DJs
I'm looking for upbeat music. Specifically stuff that talks about female identity...self confidence etc. Old or new, it doesn't matter.
Here's what I have so far:
1. Video, India.Arie
2. Pretty Baby, Eric Benet
3. Doo Wop (That Thing), Lauryn Hill
What would YOU add to my playlist?
4. Unpretty, TLC
5. You Gotta Be, Des'ree
Last Lap 2007 (Part I)
(Part I): Thu Sept 6 - Wed Oct 17 (6 weeks)
Diet - 7 days/wk for max of 35 pts
- Earn 5 pts for each day you follow your diet i.e. WW core, WW points, Vegan, etc
Good Health Guidelines 5 days/wk [1 pt each] for a max of 25 pts
- 8 (8oz) cups Water
- 2 svgs Milk products/Milk substitutes/Calcium supplements
- 2 tsp Healthy Oils (olive, flax, canola, sunflower, safflower)
- 5 (1/2C) svgs Fruit/Veggies
- Multivitamin
Exercise [3pts each] for a max of 39 pts
- 5 days of cardio @ 30 min
- 3 days of strength @ 4 muscle groups
- 5 days of mind-body @ 10 min
Blog [10 pts]
- 1 weekly post to blog to check-in, give status update on your goals, etc
Online Food Log [10 pts]
- 5 days of food entries posted to online log
Bonus [up to 6 pts/week]
- 1 hr of strength/cardio/mind-body on your "off day" (6 pts) OR 1-6 days of Daily Personal Goal (1 pt each day)
Monday, September 3, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
How Much Are You Willing To Lose?
(net loss Aug 12- Aug 30, 2007)
Posh: Life and a Progress Report
Despite that surprise ending, this challenge taught me a few things. I learned that following good healthy guidelines (plus not eating crazily) and my 5 weeks of exercise were a great way for maintaining. Also, I learned that the diet & exercise combo can really bring good results.
Gonna take this week to refocus and make some plans for the next challenge…Plans will include:
- Planning out a supper plan that works for my CORE diet, as well as for my 11 year old
- Planning out a lunch/snack plan for Wednesdays when I’ll be at work for a few long hours.
- Planning out a very, very quick preparation lunch for Mondays and Thursdays when I’ll be returning home a little after lunchtime and will be very, very, very hungry.
Progress Report:
Not sure what conclusion these results will lead to, but here they are:
I'm looking forward to the next challenge. I've got 9.2 lbs to lose to meet goal for 2007! I can do this. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....! Or better yet-- Philippians 4:13!
How much are you willing to lose update:Aug 12: 209
Aug 30: 208.2
Ginger: Happiness + Fulfillment
Roy Lessin, co-founder of DaySpring Cards
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sporty: Week 29 (08/30/07)
Completed all goals/ Removed 1 lb/4 lbs to go/ Food log.

This week:
1. Focus on staying within hunger zone
2. Exercise - cardio (5), strength (2-3), mind/body (5)
3. Stay within weekly points
4. Journal all foods
5. Committ to staying on program
Update for "How much are you willing to lose"
Initial: 248
Start: 220
Current: 212
Removed since start: 8lbs / 24lbs to go
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sporty: The Kite Runner by Khaleed Hosseini

This book, like A Thousand Splendid Suns, is set in war-torn Afghanistan and shows the destruction that occurs when religion is used as a weapon and as a tool to justify human depravity and evil.
Beyond the setting though, is a story that really moved me..."I became what I am today at the age of twelve" is the first line in this coming of age story about Amir and Hassan, childhood friends .... there were literally times I had to close the book because I needed to brace myself for what was coming next. The Kite Runner is about friendship, sacrifice, guilt and forgiveness but it is also about defining moments and how we allow them to shape our lives.
The Kite Runner is one of those books that people will continue to talk about and even use as Republican propaganda to justify the war. Regardless of the reason, it is another "must read".
Kite Runner movie to be released November 2, 2007.
Sporty: Week 28/Month 7 (08/23/07)
Last week:

- Weight: Lost 2 lbs. Made it to WOW 3 weight goal of losing 9 lbs
- Last week's goals: Completed
- Food log: Last week's log
This Week:
- Weight target: Lose 5 lbs (208) in the next 4 weeks to hit 40 lbs milestone.
- Goals: Practice hunger comfort zone eating, WOW challenge, Earn 30 activity points, Eat home food Mon-Fri except work meetings, Stay within weekly points, committ to staying on track.
- Exercise Plan: Plan
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sporty: A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns is gutwrenching, tragic, revealing and relevant... with similiar themes to those in Rohinton Mistry's A Fine Balance...a must read.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sporty: Let's put some $$$ on this

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Sporty: Week 27 (8/16/07)
Last Week:
Achieved all 6 goals.

This Week:
1. WOW challenge
2. Burn 3500 calories
3. Stay within weekly points
4. Eat "home food" Mon-Fri except for work meetings
5. Recommitt to staying on track
Sporty: Posting our Food Logs?
Here's mine: Sporty's Food Log
Also what plan did everyone select for the diet part of phase 3? I decided to go with WW points.
Good luck with phase 3 everyone - we can do this!
Ginger: The Bottom Line [Aug 9-15]
(+1) STOP: Eat meals + snacks before 8pm. NO-5 days.
(-1) LIFT: 2 strength training workouts. YES-2 workouts.
(-2) MOVE: 2 cardio workouts. YES-4 workouts.
(NC) DRINK: 32 oz water a day. NO-4 days.
(NC) SLEEP. Get to bed by 10 pm. NO-0 days.
Spices says...Here is something interesting
Here is one way of loosing weight that worked for my friend and her family. They gave up flour (cakes, pasta, bread, cookies etc) for a year and gluten base product (oats, veggie meats). My friend lost 20lbs that way. She is off the diet now and has not regained the weight. While she was on the diet she used a lot of potatoes, and Gluten No products and rice products( pasta, crackers).
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sporty: Daily Points Target Quiz
For those doing WW points, here is the quiz to determine your daily points target:
1. Are you:
Female - Score 2
Male - Score 8
Nursing Mom - Score 12
2. How old are you?
17-26 - Score 4
27-37 - Score 3
38-47 - Score 2
48-58 - Score 1
Over 58 - Score 0
3. What do you weigh?
Enter the first 2 digits of your weight in pounds.
For example if you weigh 209, enter 20. If you weigh less than 100 lbs, enter the first digit of your weight in pounds, i.e., for 98 enter 9.
4. How tall are you?
Under 5'1" - Score 0
5'1" to 5'10" - Score 1
Over 5'10" - Score 2
5. Do you spend most of your day:
Sitting down - Score 0
(e.g. as a receptionist, bus driver, cab driver)
Occasionally sitting, but mainly standing - Score 2
(e.g. sales person, housewife, cook, teacher)
Walking most of the time - Score 4
(e.g. waiter, mailman)
Doing physically hard work most of the time - Score 6
(e.g. nurse, gardener, construction worker)
The total is your daily points target =
- Retake this quiz as your weight goes down, on your birthday or if you change the way you spend your day.
- If your total is less than 18, your daily points target is 18; if your total is more than 44, your daily points target is 44.
- Daily points must be used within the same day and cannot be "banked".
- Each week, in addition to your daily points you have the option to use 35 weekly bonus points. These must be used within the week and cannot be "banked".
Sunday, August 12, 2007
How much are you willing to lose?
Calling all members! We’ve been talking about diet, about losing instead of maintaining, of ramping things up, taking it to the next level! Well, now it’s time to put our words into actions! How much are you willing to lose by Dec 31st, 2007? Are you willing to pledge some pounds and commit to working towards it? Make your pledge by submitting the following information in the comments section:
Starting Weight
The weight when you actively started trying to lose weight this year.
Current Weight
Your current weight.
Pounds Pledged
Number of pounds you are pledging to lose by Dec 31st, 2007!
There will be 2 gadgets added to the website to keep track of the groups’ weight loss successes and goals.
- Total Weight Loss- tracks the total amount of lbs lost by participating group members.
- 2007 Weight Loss Countdown- counts down the lbs of the weight pledged by the group until we reach goal!
*Trackers will be updated monthly, so group members would need to post their weight loss by the last Thursday of each month.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Spice: Good things are happening
Ginger: Curry Leftovers
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Ginger: Let's Eat!
Whaddya think?
Posh: Chiselling Away

Ginger: The Bottom Line [Aug 2-Aug 8]
(+1) STOP: Eat meals + snacks before 8pm. NO-4 days.
(+1) LIFT: 2 strength training workouts. YES-3 workouts.
(+2) MOVE: 2 cardio workouts. YES-6 workouts.
(NC) DRINK: 32 oz water a day. NO-4 days.
(NC) SLEEP. Get to bed by 10 pm. NO-0 days.
I'm struggling with the sleep goal. Been watching lots of late-night TV. Very happy with with this week's workouts...optimistic about bringing the "stop" and "drink" up a bit. I ignored my water bottle this week and the difference was clear. I'm more likely to get drink enough water when I keep it washed, filled, carry it around etc. In fact, let me go do that right now!
Sporty: Week 26 (8/9/07)
Last week:

Achieved 4 of 6 goals. Gym 3+ times, journalled, shopped, wowed.
Did not achieve staying within points - 6 days over, 1 day under. Did not track calories burned.
This week:
1. Decide to make the effort
2. Stay within weekly points
3. Home food Mon-Fri
4. Burn 2500 cal
5. Journal foods
6. WOW
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Ginger: 60 Minutes

Come to think of it -before I discovered the Body for Life plan -Mimi and I used to do cardio twice a week for sixty minutes. It was our default. No bargaining or negotiating. How quickly we (I) forget!
Anyway, I really needed those bonus points. I'm glad that we built in an option that's challenging and I'm even happier that it's out of the way -at least for this week!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Spice: Going away for a week
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Posh: Secrets....

By Dan Buettner | Photographs by David McLain |
Residents of Okinawa, Sardinia, and Loma Linda, California, live longer, healthier lives than just about anyone else on Earth. What do they know that the rest of us don't? |
Sporty: Response to Maintaining Vs. Losing
What does that look like for me?
1. Mindset - prioritize weight loss plan
2. Diet - have a specific eating plan
3. Exercise - have a specific exercise plan
4. Accountability - monitor implementation of the plan
5. Support - seek and give support
6. Goal - pick a goal weight and realistic date to achieve it
At the end of day though, all weight loss plans come down to science and attitude. Regardless of the plan I choose, I have to burn more calories than I consume. To do so I have to make weight loss a priority and have a plan that is specific.
Hope this helps.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Ginger: Maintaining vs. Losing Mood
I'm glad that I stopped gaining weight but -after many months- I haven't lost weight either. I thought I'd throw it out there for discussion:
What behaviors do YOU associate with a "losing" mood?
I've just accepted a "20 lbs in 4 months" challenge from my dad so I'm particularly invested in answers to the above question. Ha ha. I'm gritting my teeth and waiting for your comments.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Sporty: Week 25 (08/02/07)
Last week:

- Stay within daily pts 5/7 - No. 3 days.
- Earn Maximum WOW pts. - No. Earned 3 0f 6 bonus pts.
- Plan foods the night before - No
- Journal all foods - Yes
Next Week:
- Stay within daily pts 5 of 7 days.
- 3 cardio sessions at gym
- Journal all foods
- Grocery shop
- Burn 2500 calories
- Complete WOW challenge